
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Another day at the Hitchin' Post....

Dad has had a couple days of dementia during the night...the usual water on the floor and alligators all over the room and around his head. He is not yelling in the middle of the night but he has been talking to himself outloud, every twenty minutes as he says. Surprisingly he is still getting up and going to the Senior Center. He got up this morning at 4 am with Rod and sat at the table. He told Rod about how he had bought this race car that cost $20,000 and he was worried about how that all came about. Rod got me up and I had Dad go back to bed and get some sleep before he had to get up and head out to the Senior Ctr.
So the day goes on and time to get Dad....he gets in the car telling me everything went fine at the center. I asked him if he saw any alligators. His response.... "Nope, wasn't looking for any."

We get home and he was tired as usual. Sleeps on the couch for a couple hours until dinner. Rod wakes him up to get ready for dinner. Dad can't figure out how it's time for dinner....he was in the bathroom getting ready for bed. He starts laughing a bit trying to be convinced that it's only 6:30pm. Finally Rod helps him get his housecoat on and he gets out to the dinner table.

He is confused about the time still and where he is. So I tell him that his cousin called him today and had he been awake earlier I would have had him call him back. So I told him when he got done with dinner he could call him. Still confused and laughing about his confusion, he says, " I think I will go jump in the lake." So with that I responded in jest...."Is that BEFORE or AFTER you talk to Bob?" Dad laughs and says, "BEFORE."
So we finally are eating dinner and Dad is slurping his soup and he says,"We going out to eat?" I looked at him with my brow down and remarked....."Out to eat? When? Who? WHAT???" He shakes his head at me because apparently I am not getting it....I tried to explain that he didn't give me a complete sentence....he is still grinning and trying to get out what he meant. I said Lord only knows what you meant....with that his words were, "YES, ONLY the LORD DOES know what I meant. LOL

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