Dad was getting ready to leave for the Senior Center today and I just happened to dwell on his remarkable change when he was putting on his shoes.
So I decided a before and after picture would be good to show to really see the huge difference in just his facial expression in the last 3 months.
One of the KEY elements to his improvement was Dr H's advice and prescription. Just ONE prescription that really kick started Dad's recovery.
Dr H prays with Dad each time he goes and of course, that impresses Dad.
Dad finally believes me when I told him the Dr he had in Indiana just wasn't doing what was BEST for HIM! That attitude that many doctors and the medical community has of oh well, he is an 89 year old man and lived a good life just doesn't do it for ME!
Dr. H believes that you have a right to a good life whether you are one day old or 100 years old. That's why I like Family Practitioners the BEST!.
I did think that a Doctor who dealt with the elderly would be the answer but I don't anymore.
They see TOO much of the elderly and become so desensitized to their needs.Pass out the meds without even getting to know what the patient needs or doesn't need. I often think about how many people in nursing homes and assisted living are so overmedicated and don't have advocates like Dad has. It's rather sad. Just give them a pill to shut them up and soon it will be overwith. We all will get there one day and I am learning a lot about what I will want and won't let them do to me.
I see why Dad became despondent and didn't want to live....his Doctors in Indiana didn't help him at all. Not to say that Dad will stay like this forever....he will leave us one day, sure....but as long as he is able stay like this and enjoy life, then so be it.
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