Dad's really been doing good. He is exercising, working with his PT as well. He does his exercising on his own each day. He is eating very well. He tells me it all tastes good and he looks forward to dinner. He knows I am going to make something good I guess. He eats salads, lots of veggies, as well as broiled pork chops, like we had tonight. He can chew now without pain from his teeth. I say it's because he has had a lot of protein which is healing those gums. I told him before about eating protein and now I think he believes me. He actually has lost a pound but because he is no longer getting WHIPPING CREAM! ha I told him that was only to gain weight fast...so he has tapered off with the weight. He says he likes where he is at in his weight. So we will work to keep him there. It was really amazing watching Dad eat the pork chops tonight. They were moist but before all the changes Dad would no way be able to have eaten anything like that. That tells me just how much he has improved.
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