At Dad's request this morning, he shaved himself....he shakes very little now. He says every few electric razors shaves he has to shave with a blade in between. So that is what he did. He did fine too. I left him standing there with his knees up against the cabinet while I got dressed. He says even a long time ago he would lean on the cabinet to keep his balance. It's important to his mental well being to be allowed to do these things on his own BUT I still linger nearby. The more independence he gains the better he gets physically. I brought the important items with us that I KNEW he would use again, such as his shaving brush. He asked this morning if I happened to know where it was....and to his surprise there it was, in the drawer. He had a big old smile on his face. Small things mean a lot when you are coming back to the real world. Dad forgets most of the things that happened in the days when he had so much trouble getting around. He is in the NOW. A good place to be.
Here is a photo of him shaving for the first time in 7 months.
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