Yesterday the three of us went to the movies with Amy and Monica. I had been wanting to see Alice in Wonderland anyway. I figured Dad might get a kick out of it as well. Rod didn't really want to go but it being his birthday I didn't want to leave him home alone so I sorta talked him into it. I needed his help with Dad anyway. We got to the IMAX theater and inline I soon realized that this wasn't going to work with people shoving their way to the seats....so I left the line and asked the girls at the concessions to get me an usher to let us in first....and they even got me a chair for Dad to sit on in line. They did get us in first and that was just great. We had our popcorn and drinks and our 3D glasses and we were all set. Dad started eating popcorn like there was no tomorrow. haha It was funny...I asked him if he came for the POPCORN only and he laughed. The movie was great.....the 3D was awesome at this HUGE screen at the IMAX. The funny thing was when these objects started to fly around they come at you like it's going to hit you and both Dad and Rod DUCKED at the same time and I nearly choked on the popcorn laughing. It was a GREAT Movie and one that I will want to buy when it goes cheap in the stores. lol When we got out of the theater we got to go through the exit no one uses...I told Dad he is great to take along for first class treatment! haha I looked around the theater and no one else was handicapped...and I thought for a moment what a shame that people like Dad don't get to go out to these places and have fun with the rest of them. I told Dad that this is the time of his life he should be doing those things he missed early on just to say he did them. Going to the movies like this and then out for a meal for Dad is a big deal. He never much treated himself to these things and he and Mom should have. It's a common thing for us but for Dad it's huge. So we left later and went to the Bros Hooligan for a nice meal. Dad liked it but he said the pork chops were tough. haha It's always something with Dad. I tried them and they were fine. It's DADS CHOPPERS that are hard to chew with. Like I tell him, you should have taken better care of your gums and you wouldn't have this problem. haha I have all my teeth and by George, I have learned there is no way I am letting my teeth go after seeing what everyone that has dentures struggle with. NO WAY! I learned from them. So after the meal we say goodbye to Amy and Monica and head on home....on the way out of the parking lot Dad looks across the street and says, "Oh there is a Papa John's." Rod laughed and asked if he wanted to go by there for a snack? haha Dad and FOOD...they are best friends. He says he has got to watch it now. So we get home, relax a bit and Dad goes to bed by 10pm. We set our clocks ahead and lost an hour by morning. Dad got up around 2am to use the bathroom, I helped him. He is walking so well that I have been letting him walk without the gait belt and I am just behind him, not hanging on. So by 5am I hear the alarm on his bed and by the time I got up, he was in the bathroom already. He didn't have his cane and I gave him the usual lecture....then back to bed he goes. He woke me up with,"WENDY, where's my shirt?" LORD....I get up, walk in his room and he is getting dressed and found his shirt in the DRAWER???? Duh, Dad! haha He has one arm in the shirt and the other arm in the head hole....lol It's too funny and then he starts laughing cause he has his arms caught....so I joke and then help guide him before he becomes entangled worse. He gets his socks on alone and I said, Okay, you come out to the kitchen when you are done. This is your first long walk so you best think before each step and don't rush. So he comes wizzzzzzing by Rod, {unlike what I TOLD HIM TO DO} and I saw him....DAD, slow DOWN or I am going to take your cane away. hahaha So he does and comes to the kitchen table....eats breakfast of cereal and honeydew melon. After eating he starts his morning exercises....and then I took the video below.
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