I didn't believe we were going to get snow today, let alone a darn blizzard. This is ridiculous and I can't say how many times I complained because MY FLOWER BULBS WERE BLOOMING! I am so mad. They were the best they have ever been and then THIS. I cut them as fast as I could so we could at least enjoy them inside. I just can't believe it. When Rod brought Dad out to the kitchen table this morning and he told him to look outside, Dad's eyes got big and said, OH LOOK AT THE SNOW!! haha It's been snowing ever since and it's now 2pm. I can't even think about it right now.
So garage saling was canceled. Rod started a fire and we are staying warm in the living room...well, they are, I am in the office.
So Dad got a nice long letter from Aunt Cleora and she was excited to get her Valentine's Day package in the mail with all the goodies we sent. I am not a keeper up with the birthdays anymore and sorry that I forgot her birthday on the 12th. So I will tell Dad to call her this afternoon. I make suggestions for him to call people "on his list" but he waits long enough to forget and then by that time I have forgot what I told him. lol Oh well, if they miss him long enough, they will call I guess. We stay pretty busy around here to keep track of it all.
The weather was so wonderful yesterday...it was 71 degrees and we just had to get out of the house for awhile. Dad just loved the warm sun on his head. Dad and I left after his bath gal came and went to Freddie's for lunch and then onto Mardel's book store so Dad could get the New Testament on CDs. We tried them out in the sound booths first before he made up his mind. They had a lot to choose from. I had made him the NT on cassettes a long time ago but he wanted something that I didn't have to mess with turning over all the time....so we went to CDs. Dad is moving right along with all these technological changes. lol
I play them on his DVD player and he listens to them through the TV in his room when he lays down at night. I told him that as soon as I put them in he will go to sleep and that's EXACTLY what he did last night. LOL Oh well, maybe he will hear them subconsciously.
Dad has what he had been craving and that was...a sauerkraut weiner, Chicago style. He later had a hot fudge sundae. Back home we went where Rod was already home. I went outside to rake some leaves for as long as my legs and back could take it and then came inside to find both of them what else but ASLEEP with the TV on.
So we stayed home last night and watched TV while I worked on organizing some of my stuff AGAIN...it never ends. Dad stayed up until 10pm and then said he thought he would go to bed. Oh he did do his excercises in the kitchen around 7pm.
So I am catching up to today. We are just taking it easy today again. Well, the two in the living room are. I have wash and a house to clean and take care of. lol At least I get to watch some Red Skelton movies in my office today to catch up to the ones that I got at the library. Dad likes the Red Skelton movies as well. He came in the office yesterday morning to watch them with me before he got his bath.
I added a new top photo of him today in front of the fireplace again. Looks like we are going backwards instead of getting into SPRING.
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