Dad was off to the Senior Center this morning. He got up early and was already getting dressed when I got up. He had already shaved and put in his teeth and was raring to go...until I asked him why he got up so early....{7:30am} Then he said he thought it was 8:30....darn! But he stayed up anyway. He wanted something soft because his lower teeth are hurting his gums...guess that knife carving didn't help them after all. haha
So I made him some hot oatmeal and he made noises all though it because he said it was so good. He is a cereal man for sure. He has to have that morning cereal. I add fruit to it each morning though. Some fresh orange slices or applesauce, bananas or just orange juice.
So he spent the day exercising, eating a great lunch he says and then painting a tree poster for the center. Half the paint he got on his shirt and hand though.
He always has a little gossip about the people at the center. Some I can repeat and some I can't. haha He says there is this one lady there that is sort of flirting with him but he says he has a girlfriend and he is not about to get involved with another. hahahaha I love it. So Louise should feel comforted if she knew that.
Tonight when I was helping him get ready for bed he was telling me that he couldn't figure out how to unbuckle the fanny pack that I have him wear to the center. He says, "I am dumber than a box of rocks." That's something I have heard him say a lot over the years. I started laughing. I asked just how dumb WAS a box of rocks...and his reply was pretty dumb. So as he is getting his teeth out and brushing them I had been trying to open his new razor package at the sink....then he blurts out...."You must be as dumb as a box of rocks." So we both started laughing and I said, The nut don't fall far from the TREE, PAW!"
Time for bed....I was too tired from helping Rod in the yard to laugh anymore.
Once in bed I started his New Testament CD so he could fall asleep listening to it. He is on CD # 7 and I think he falls asleep within 5 minutes of each one's start. HAHA. I should tell him there will be a test on those books.
Here's a photo of Dad right before I left the exercise room this morning. I said smile and I got that forced grin he likes to give. A friend of mine made a comment after seeing the photo tonight that he thought he looked ten years younger than the first photo of him when he first came here. I agree. His spirits are high and he is enjoying each day I think.
He is ready for a visit home too though. He stays in contact with his friends and they call and send cards and letters weekly and that's a good thing for Dad.