Dad passed away on March 5th 2013. Although he is gone his memories will remain. I will still continue posting. There are many stories about Dad that still remain to be told. I will continue with stories. I have many stories that run through my head from time to time. Dad may not have traveled a lot but he sure had a lot of experiences. Starting the New Year....Welcome to 2020. Wendy Rose
Friday, December 30, 2011
Typical Conversations...
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
DUMB and DUMBER...You figure out who is who!
Dad had just finished eating and was still in the kitchen. Rod had finished and was now in his chair in the living room. I was urging Dad to get up and go to his chair in the living room so I could go and sit down myself.
Dad got up and walked to his chair and I glanced down at his feet and there seemed to be something sticking out of the pants he had on. I didn't think too much of it at the time. I finished walking him to the chair. I got my drink and sat down in my chair. I look over at Dad and asked, "Where did you get those sweat pants that you have on?" He looks at me and says, "Out of the dirty clothes." So here goes twenty questions just to get to the simple truth of the matter....I repeated what all he had said and basically it was like this. He had come home from the Senior Center and he walked back to the bathroom first. He thought his sweat pants he wore from that morning were WET so he took them off. Then he grabbed a pair of DIRTY ones from the hamper in his bathroom. {I have repeatedly asked him NOT to do that. Call me!!} Then somehow those sweatpants had not been cleaned out and he NOW had a pair of his underwear sticking out from the elastic band at the bottom.
I get up from my chair laughing and pull the underwear out. I asked him how they go there and of course, he didn't know. He didn't put them there! Dad, using NO logic whatsoever said they could be the ones he is wearing now. How COULD that be? haha
They also still had the old pad in it that he had taken off with the sweatpants and put in the hamper. {Oh I could tell you horror stories with Dad's dirty clothes hamper}
So he still couldn't figure how those underwear got in there trying to convince me that he didn't put them there. As Rod is laughing along with all this, he pipes up and tells me he can't hear his Celtic Thunder DVD. I looked at him and said calmly, "Does this face look as though it cares that you can't hear the same DVD that you have listened to at least 20 times?" I am still laughing at Dad who is still trying to figure out what happened.
All at the same time, I happened to mention to Rod that if he liked that music so well why didn't he listen to Gordon Lightfoot because that was the ballad type music that he was listening to.
Rod looks at me and says, "Didn't he sing Ella Fitzgerald?"
OMG, I really laughed and peed my pants that time. Ella Fitzgerald!!!! He threw me off so much with that one that I really couldn't even remember the name of the song Gordon sang until 2 days later....The Wreck of The Edmond Fitzgerald!!
So you figure out who is Dumb and who is Dumber!
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Working on Dad's Blog
Dad is doing well. He has a little dementia here and there but nothing that really effects his day to day living.
It seems that when Dad sleeps is when he dreams of being somewhere else and then when he awakes he imagines he is still there.
He comes home from the Senior Center with all kinds of stories about what goes on there... Sometimes he gets irritated that we don't believe him. It's hard to believe that there is a basement where there are "goings on" and such. LOL
I think there was a murder there....and dealing drugs and dope, as he calls it.
He says they are all related there and they show favoritism to some of them. Oh yeah, like when someone else besides Dad gets the biggest piece of cake. He always has his eyes on everyone else's food. He does that at home and has done that all his life I would bet. He always looked at other people's plates. I think that has a "thing" about food.
I would suppose being the oldest of eight that grew up in the 20's, food was a big deal.
Even after all these years when food was plenty it's always amazing to see those things that stay with us from the time we were little.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Pinocchio Odie
So next thing I know he is walking into the living room. I asked him why he didn't ring the bell so I could come and help. He said he didn't need to. I asked him if he had a BM and he said yes.
Hmmmm, I always have to assist him with the cleaning so I asked him he had any trouble cleaning himself. He says no....
Next thing I asked was if he washed his hands. I usually clean him because he can't do it very well and then he won't use the soap and water.
Oh yeah, he says....he washed his hands.
So I grab his hand like I did my little kids and there was no soap smell on dampness from the water either. Did he think I just got off the boat yesterday? haha So he says quickly....Oh I didn't use soap and he grinned.....
So now I am on a quest.....I go to his sink and guess what.....the sink is as dry as it was when it was first put in.
So out to the living room I go...........I said you didn't wash your hands even with water, let alone soap. Now how many things are you going to touch with those germ filled hands before you go to bed.
He starts grinning. I caught him in a big lie and told him he was grounded. LOL He laughed and told me he couldn't pull anything over on me.
Sheesh.....who would have thought and old man would lie to his daughter like that?
Pinocchio lives here.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Have I Got a Girlfriend for My Dad!!
See slide show and video...left side, scroll down in article.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Dad's Quick Wit...
Friday, October 7, 2011
You've Heard of a Traffic Jam but.....
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Dad's a Winner at the Tulsa State Fair

In a few weeks he will be getting some nice checks in the mail.
Mistaken Identity?
Monday, September 26, 2011
Great Music at the Car Show
Photos of Dad taking a nap, sitting in the chair chilling because of the "draft" on him....only one there with a blankie on. LOL
Watch a video...
It's CAR SHOW Time...

A Visit with Johnny

I think I told part of this story before but let me recap.
Dad had a friend at the Senior Center that he connected with the first day he went. They both were a few months apart in age. They sat together, ate together, and made sure they had daily time together. Johnny had been declining in health, even Dad noticed it. His daughter decided that he be served best in a home. I hate the word nursing home because it conjure up images that are not pleasant. The daughter, Donna inspires me....she had her parents in her home for 11 years. Her Mother passed away 5 years ago....and if that wasn't hard enough she lost her husband just a year and a half ago. She works full time and takes care of her Father. I told her that when I have a bad day I think of how she kept on going without ANY help daily and then I can move on. However, it has taken a toll and her Dad was a fall risk. He is mostly blind and it became necessary to move him to this new center.
Dad was very upset the last day Johnny was there. He didn't really know before hand this day was coming because Johnny wasn't really told either. It was something that might upset him and his daughter thought it was better to wait. I agreed with her.
Dad came home that day saying that you might not believe this story but Johnny is going to a nursing home. I did believe it because I had been told about it earlier in the day.
I knew Dad would be upset when he found out. He was. He started crying and I put my arms around him and told him not to worry....we would go see Johnny for sure. Dad said the hardest thing for him was the fact that Johnny didn't even get to see his Durant. Johnny so much wanted to see that car.
Again, I told Dad not to worry we would make sure that Johnny gets to see that car soon. His daughter and I have already made plans for Johnny to come to the house to see the car this month....and of course to get a ride in it.
I called his daughter to get directions for the home and she told me about the place. Rolling hills, flowers, patios to sit in the sun, wonderful staff and food.
So we went last Saturday. Donna was right....beautiful place. Staff was so nice even to us and we were just visiting. The gal that works in Johnny's section has been there since 1995. She told me how it all was set up and it's a not like any nursing home I had been in. It was sectioned off and they ate more like a family setting...they had their own kitchen in their area. Beautiful area with the newest of everything, and clean.....very clean. No bad smells as in other nursing homes I have been in.
They have these areas outside of their rooms called memory boxes. It shows their hobbies, or items they made, collected with photos. It's very nice as it helps visitors, staff, and others get to know the resident better.
When we see an elderly person, maybe one who doesn't communicate, or may not even know you are there....we don't see WHO they used to be. They were just like us, with dreams, hopes, hobbies, talents and they had a LIFE!
I have noticed with Dad that many just see an old man who has Rod and I to take care of him.
Then there are those in certain groups that know better....they are informed, they are open minded and treat Dad no different.
I have had people come up to me when Dad and I are together and ask if Dad likes a certain thing....of course, my favorite line is......"I dunno, ask him, he is right here." LOL Gee whiz people, he's old, not dead!
There they were....Johnny and Dad, visiting, laughing, sharing stories again.
I got a few shots of them together. Johnny sure seemed happy to see Dad again. Johnny told me this..."Odie and I went everywhere together. What I did, he did, what he did, I did. We are good friends. We hit it off right away."
I left them alone for awhile and joined Rod in the common are where he was WATCHING A FOOTBALL GAME! LOL Where else?
Lesson for the day------------You are never too old to make new friends, Dad and Johnny are the example of that. They both are 91.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Durant Day at the Senior Center
Took Me Long Enough
HOWEVER...I have found a quicker way to blog which should end my procrastination!
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Adoptive Step-Father?
The Mystery of the Egg
Last Thursday I was slow in getting up to get Dad ready for his day at the Senior Center.
Just a few more moments of sleep is all I wanted....but eventually I gave in and got up only to find Dad asleep. I didn't really want to wake him so I tried to call the Sr Ctr to let them know we would be late and I would get breakfast for Dad, but the phones were out in the BA center.
I mean was it a cave man wandering the fields....looking down in the grass and maybe seeing a bird squeezing out an egg....then walking away.....then thinking to himself.....HEY, how about if I eat that white oval thing that just popped out of that bird's BUTT?"
So we both laughed and I got the giggles for a little bit....Dad was still eating his eggs laughing.
By now others around us were sorta smiling because laughing is contagious even if you don't know what others were laughing about. Had they known they might have got the uncontrollable giggles themselves.
"What really puzzles me is these little black specks in the gravy......why would they put dog's heads and animals heads in my gravy?"
Dad again had taken my story of the egg and turned into an Odie, The One Man Show Stopper.
He just sat there looking at me laughing and looking down at his plate of gravy, biscuits, eggs, and oh yeah, THOSE BLACK SPECKS of PEPPER!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Wednesday Night Church Dinner

There are classes after dinner....lots of great choices but we chose to go to Intimacy in Marriage group. Dad went along of course. He was awake the whole time too! I asked, "Are you making notes just in case you decide to get married again?" LOL He laughed and said "NO!"
Monday, September 5, 2011
Horse in the Pasture...
If Dad had all his senses of smell back he would actually gag himself for some of the things he comes up with. (Strawberry jam on biscuits and gravy is an example.) He says it sweetens the gravy.
However, that has nothing to do with my story. So he gets done eating, goes to his chair in the living room. I am moving a table around while he is sitting in his chair.
The following back and forth conversation goes as written.
Dad...That horse is trying to get ahold of the sheet.
Wendy...What horse?
Dad...The horse behind you in the pasture.
Wendy...Oh lordie, pasture....what pasture?
Dad...The one the horse is in...didn't you hear me?
Wendy...Open your eyes, Dad....
Dad...They are open. (his eyes are completely shut)
Wendy...Open your EYES, Dad!
Dad...(opening his eyes)
Wendy...Now where is the horse?
Dad...He is gone now.
Wendy...Funny how those things disappear when you open your eyes....ever think about that?
Wendy...Put two and two together and what do you get?
Dad...(laughing) FIVE!
Wendy...That explains a lot of your problem right there.
Dad...(falls asleep)
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Feeding Tube? I don't think soooooooooo!

Just think, two and a half years ago when Dad had his gallbladder out in Indy, the Drs wanted him to be tube fed because he was aspirating food....he wouldn't hear of it. They had him on a thick liquid diet.....nasty texture and he sure didn't like it. They strongly advised it because it would lead to pnemonia and death if he continued to eat regular food.
What did they know???
If only they could see him now eating popcorn. LOL
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Go Go Girls??

While he is eating his pizza and getting it ALL OVER his face and making us laugh....he says, out of the blue....."Then the Go Go Girls came to the Sr Ctr."
Go Go Girls???? Oh gee whiz.....that's a phrase I didn't even know my Dad knew AND I hadn't heard that term since 1965!! He started smiling that ornery smile he has and then grinning ear to ear.
Dad's coming out of his dementia today. Glad that's happening but sorry to see the funny stories go for now. LOL
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Vacation over....

It was more of a vacation for Dad than it was for the rest of us....I am so glad it's over and we are home again. I was limited in the work that I could do around the house but I was able to pack, repack and sort stuff for moving.
Dad is glad to have his cars here with us so he can be sure nothing is happening to them as he has dreamed of happening.
Now we just get the space ready for the rest of his stuff coming and we are all set. I think he will like having the items he made around him at last. He has his own stuff here but not the main things he owns.
He seemed to have a great visit with his friends, especially his gal friend. That seemed to be the most important concern. Imagine that? LOL Like the times he asked me when was she coming again and how can he get ahold of her to find out when she is coming.She was there every day but for one or two so that made him happy. He missed out on seeing his cousin because he doesn't drive much anymore and there was not much of a chance of his taking Dad to see him. We were busy most hours of the day until dark except for visiting Rod's family in Michigan City. Rod rarely gets to spend more than a day or two when we go back to Indiana. We are usually cleaning, organizing and setting up or fixing something at Dad's. That finally has come to an end. At least for us.....NOLA has some work to do but she can handle that, she says. I am glad of it because I cannot.
The next time I pack a suitcase, as I said on Facebook, will be when I am taking a REAL vacation. We haven't been on one of those together since 2000, or right around there. We both need one too. Rod and I haven't been on a vacation just by ourselves since, uhhhhhhhhhh, gosh, I think that was in 1979!!! OMG, it's worse than I thought!! lol
We take Dad with us everywhere we go....even our last vacation to Wisconsin. That's okay but Dad doesn't much like to travel and see things. He has always been an armchair traveler. I have tried to talk him into a cruise but he has no interest in it. I think if he got on one and saw the world from top deck he MIGHT change his mind.
Dad wishes he could stay in his home and town he knows best....of course, who wouldn't? It's just not possible unless he was in a nursing home and then we all know what happens then. Few visit and he becomes lonely and wastes away. That will NOT ever happen as long as Rod and I can take care of him.
I think it's mostly being able to see his girlfriend....that's really it. So much of the time Dad is not sure where he is anyway....but it's the kissin' he misses. LOL
He couldn't wait to pucker up when she first walked into the living room to see him. I only wish I had my camera going then.
Dad is back at the Senior Center, or the torture chamber as he calls it. He thinks they have cliques there and that they are all related....etc. Which is not true. I have asked just to see if he was correct.
Most of Dad's problems during the day are related to not sleeping well at night. So during the day he drags and dreams and imagines all sorts of things. So while Debbie was here helping me with Dad the idea of giving him Tylenol PM came up. I had not tried it before although it works for me....and then we tried it on Dad....several nights in a row and SURPRISINGLY to works. It's been about 3 weeks now and it's still working and he is only getting up once, if that, a night. Amazing difference in his daytime napping habits. He rarely has been napping at all but for when he comes home from the center and takes a cat nap.
If I had only known that a year or so ago, that would have helped a lot. I was just told that medicine like Benydryl and night time sleeping meds on the elderly had the opposite effect. Well, on Dad, that's not true for the Tylenol PM. There is peace once again at night here. Dad is so much more's easy to see.
He was awake almost the whole time we were at his house during the day. Little dementia too. I think the dementia is worse when he doesn't get good rest too. So all in all, it's a win win situation so far.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Changes, Changes....

Lots of different changes going on and have been going on here. A few days before my scheduled surgery for Uterine Cancer, Dad starts to fail fast....he got sick with congestion and had to use an antibiotic. He couldn't walk. Amy moved in for the month to take care of him while I recovered. She was exhausted the first week and I thought I was going to lose her out of just being worn out. I heard her in a conversation with her friend about how in the world did Mom do this all the time. LOL It ain't easy! After thinking about it for awhile I wondered what was the difference in me taking care of Dad and someone else. I figured out it had to do with commitment. If one is not committed, nothing can happen. You just do it because your mind has been set TO DO IT! Period. That's how I do it. The other alternative is a nursing home and I just can't do that. Since the surgery I have wondered how in the world I would do this IF I got worse and couldn't take care of Dad. I suppose at that point I would have to reconsider my choices. However, I am NOT at that point so no considering is necessary. I have been told by my Oncologist that the cancer is gone with the surgery. They took it all....and it was inside the uterus. All tests on the 20 lymph nodes that they removed were cancer FREE.
So let's move on to the rest of my life, shall we?
That doesn't mean I am strong again....I would have to travel back in time for that.
It does mean that I will NOT be having chemo or radiation taking up my time.
All I have to do now is to get strong, heal up the wounds and go back to running the house as I have been used to doing.
I think Dad was having his troubles at the same time as mine because he was worried about his own fate. What's going to happen to me if Wendy dies, or can't take care of me? I KNOW that's what was going through his mind because he said it to me privately in one of his dementia states.
Only when he actually saw me home and walking did he start to move and realize HE might be okay. It was noticeable....the Senior center nurse had suggested that he was concerned for himself in the situation. A few others figured it out as well.
Now he is over that slump, I am back to pushing him to move his butt and not pretend to be helpless. LOL Like Amy says, Uh oh, here comes Mom so you better get moving."
Dad would lay in bed all day and do nothing if not for me prompting him to get up and get moving. He would just sleep the entire rest of his life away. He would sit in that wheel chair and NOT get out if I didn't make him do it. He would say I can't a zillion times just to try and convince me he can't unless I told him I didn't want to hear those words. I use an old saying Mom used to bring up when the words I can't was said in her presence. They wouldn't make sense to people who never heard her but Dad KNOWS what I mean. That's usually all it takes to get him to have the will to move just one more day! That's all I ask.
So from not being able to move a few days before the surgery to the point I had to call home health in to take care of the point he is now walking with his walker short distances once again AND he actually stayed awake during the whole hour of church last week.......well, that's a huge step.
I have bigger steps in mind for him but one doesn't dare tell him ahead of no no, that will give him time to find an excuse NOT TO DO IT! I must be one step ahead of him and sometimes two.
Friday, June 3, 2011
A Trip to the Eye Doctor...
The nurse asked him some questions and he basically told her what she could do with those questions. LOL I mean to tell you it was a riot. She asked me what he said and I told her she was better off not knowing. He wouldn't let me give him something to drink and then he grabbed it from me and squeezed it like a little kid. Naturally it was one of those collaspable juice boxes and it spilled all down his sweat pants. He had enough nerve to say to me, "NOW look what you've done!" My mouth dropped because I was speechless to that. The lady across the room couldn't help but laugh as she had heard everything. He didn't care. LOL So we get ready to go out the door and a couple employees helped us. Dad was in the wheel chair and we were parked just outside but we had to go through a couple doors. He wasn't about to move. He kept asking me where were we going. I told him home. He wasn't having anything to do with it. Furthermore those nurses and doctors were a bunch of hoodlums and some sort of gang. I mean to tell you I was about to pee my pants as we all laughed at what was running loose out of his mouth. So finally with some tugging we got to our car he is in the wheelchair still and the nurses are trying to get him to stand up.....hahaha I had to laugh at their effort because he wasn't budging. RARELY do I get to see Dad act like this in front of strangers. He doesn't want anyone outside of a few people to know that he can carry on like this if he so chooses.
Finally I told them to go back inside....I will take care of this but they said they had to stay with him until he is seated in the car for insurance purposes. I said, Okay, but you are going to be here awhile and last I looked, you had a room full of patients. LOL Well that did it, they went back inside while I handled this situation.
I told him that he had better get his butt in that seat or I was going to have to carry him out of the wheelchair and if I do that I was going to strain my back and probably never be able to walk again. {lol} Hey, ya gotta do what ya gotta do.
He got his butt up asking questions the entire time of why this and why that, but I just said get in the car and I will answer all that later when you come to your senses.
The gals came running outside to get the wheelchair asking me what I said to get him to move. I just said when he asks like a little kid, he gets talked to like a little kid. They laughed and said they had never had anyone to act like that before.
Leave it to Dad to be first!!
All the way home he threateded to jump out of the car...he was going to the cops cause now he was blind and those Doctors were crooks and they were planning some takeover. LORDIE! I was about to pull my hair out....but at least my car has the child locks!!! He wasn't going anywhere today.
I took him home and put him to bed and told him to sleep it off. LOL
What a day and thank goodness we were only getting one eye done!!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Dad's improving.
I knew he would come out of it. It's an unpredictable disease. I know with a little patience he will return to more independence. I refuse to look at it any other way until it gets to a point of no return. I think he is far from that.
Anyone that can sit with Rod and have a conversation about how a riverter works in detail has a long way to go before we call it quits and stop working with him. The mind still wants to work but the disease makes it slow down.
On another note...
Dad's cards have dwindled down to practically nothing in the last 6 months. That's sad to me for all the love and concern and material things and money, etc that he has given to his family.
There are a select few that are not included in that statement and you know who you are. You are greatly appreciated. Dad loves to get cards. He gets lonely. He needs to know people give a damn. Cards and notes don't have to come at a holiday time....he may not make it to the next holiday/birthday. No one knows when our time is up.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
A Beautiful Saturday in Oklahoma...
I am like my nephew, Gordie, he has to be in the mood to paint/draw/create! So you get that honestly Gordon!!
Dad has been doing okay. Not so much funny stories to tell lately as we have been so busy, he hasn't had time to BE funny!
We are in a bit of a transition right now with some changes being made that I can't disclose right now because I don't have all the information yet. I don't mean to be mysterious but it's just an explanation as to why I can't get in here to post like I should.
There is an option to this website that they can make a book for anyone who blogs. Of course, I can do the exact same thing on MY computer and then take it to Kinkos and have them bound the sheets. I am going to check in to which way is the cheapest and then make this into a book one day for other generations to read. How great that would have been for me to be reading about my Great Grandfather now. One day Kiara's children can read about their Great Great Grandpa. Say what you will about the Internet.....say all the negative you want. BUT if you look for the wonders of the Internet as I do then you can find the world at your fingertips. I am just sorry I didn't have this when I was young.
Now onto Dad...He has had a couple rough days lately. It started last week slowly with not being able to stand long. He fell 4 times last week...once with Rod standing right next to him. He just DROPS. He didn't get hurt much but for the time he fell in bathroom and hit his head on the wall. He had a goose egg lump. Rod put ice on it for about 45 minutes and it looked better. He hit on the hardest part of his head. Like I said before, Mom always said he had a hard head and she just wasn't whistling Dixie!! I have no idea why he hasn't broken something. Must be all those calcium pills he says I force upon him!! lol
He has been on the uhhhhhhhhhhhh shall I say stubborn side lately. That's putting it nicely. Of course Dad is an angel at the Sr Center. Not at home.....oh my god, you would just drop your mouth if you heard him talk to me sometimes. hahaha I guess he does it cause I will forgive him. Actually I just crank it right back to him...oh how that man loves to argue and be right!!
I should video tape one of those sessions for your entertainment! haha
He had a terrible day yesterday at the center. The nurse put him in a wheelchair and he didn't know where he was most of the afternoon and night. Rod got up twice with him last night and he was starting to communicate better he said. We have the alarm on the bed so he doesn't get up alone to use the restroom.
This comes and I don't worry about it being the way it's going to stay. He got a LOT of sleep yesterday and last night so that always seems to help. Rod woke him long enough to get his pills this morning and he went back to sleep. It's a beautiful day and I am hoping he wakes up pretty soon so he can go outside and sit while we do some yard work. I have SUNSCREEN this time!! The spray on kind.
Dad has some issues with depression and rightly so. He takes an anti-depressant but it is still an issue. He really is ready to go meet his maker at anytime. He says he wants to fall and break his neck. I know he is sincere in that but I only tell him I understand BUT falling and breaking his neck will not kill will only put him in a cast. I can imagine this way of living sucks. It's not really's putting off the inevitable....which is death. It's a fact that we do talk about...I am open to his discussions on it. I don't think people talk about it enough. However, as I have told him before, he cannot choose the time to go. He knows that sooooooooooo the only thing left to do is to make the BEST of the time he has left. Get the emotions out but then start to think about what you CAN do in the meantime. I know it's hard for him because the things that he wants to do he just simply can't.
He is scheduled for cataract surgery this month. We may have to postpone that. Not sure yet. We had planned on coming back to Indiana the first two weeks of June. Now we are not sure if that schedule can be kept yet. Again, we are in the middle of some adjustments here and by the end of this week I will know more of the vacation schedule.
My son, Chris, will be getting married May 21....not too far off now. That's going to be in Joplin, MO. He is marrying a very sweet girl. They are the same age, 25. She is good for Chris. I think, from what I have seen, that he is good for her also. I have had the opportunity to speak to her Mom a couple times and they love Christopher. Her name is Jennifer and she recently lost her Father to cancer. I had gone to the funeral at the church in Joplin where he was the Pastor. It is so sad that she lost her Dad. She so much wanted him to walk her down the isle. Chris is filling a void for her and I can see how much they do love each other. I just found out last weekend that twins run in her family. Now she tells us! lol
TWINS???!!!! Oh good Lord. I can barely handle ONE! Right now I can't handle any!! lol My advice to them was to wait as long as they could to start a family. Concentrate on getting a HOME first!! Dad says the same thing to them. Will they listen? Do they ever? haha
I will try to keep you posted on Dad....but not to worry. This too shall pass.
I will be posting some photos soon.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
The Complicated Mind of a Ninety Year Old.

Dad has trouble with some of these new names for kids. He is always getting his Great Granddaughter's name {Kiara} twisted around and can't remember it. It has nothing to do with his love for these Grandchildren. He just can't remember the names if they are not Mary, Jane, Sue, etc.
So many times he wouldn't recall the name and say to me, "Your Granddaughter......and so on.
Keeping that in mind here is how this story starts.
We were sitting in an auditorium waiting for a seminar to begin last night. We have been listening to the series on Revelation. {which has absolutely nothing to do with this story.}
Dad and I were talking together on a number of subjects from false teeth to pearls. A little girl of about 10 was walking down the isle past us. She had long dark hair and tanned skin. She caught Dad's eye as she walked by and he looked over at her. He then turned to me and said, "Why that little girl looks like Cory's Mother's daughter."
Long Pause................
I thought for a moment trying to put this puzzle together and then it HIT me....Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh KIARA!! YOU mean KIARA. I started laughing and Dad got that pre-laugh smirk and then he started to laugh at his description.
I told Rod who was on the other side of me and didn't initially hear what we were laughing at.
Rod paused and thought for a moment and then HE started laughing.
I told Dad that for someone who couldn't think, put sentences together and has trouble communicating, that what he just said was MORE complicated than just saying Kiara!!
Rod who really didn't hear what I had just said to Dad, then commented to Dad how much thought he had to put into that and why does he think he can't think straight?? LOL
So Rod says to Dad, "Yeah, well, how about this son-in-law's wife's son." Who is that? Dad thought, started laughing and said I was making him laugh and he couldn't in about 30 came was CHRIS! LOL
I told Dad he could make up some quizzes like that for the OLD folks at the home to use to keep their mind sharp.
He told me that they do JUST that at the Life Senior Center for games using current events to keep them thinking.
I thought to myself this is a story for them to publish in their magazine they put out each month. Dad is proving to them that what they are doing IS working to help keep their minds sharp.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
How NOT To Put On Your Jacket....
Thursday, February 3, 2011
You're In The Army Now......

Dad was having a dementia attack tonight, as I call them.
I was just out in the living room and showed him this photo of an old man with a walker with a handmade plow in front….{see photo} and he couldn't quite tell what it was so I explained it and then he saw it.
I told him he could take it and show John, his friend at the center and they could go in business. He laughed.
I come back in the office and here he comes following me a minute later.
He stands in the doorway with his blanket around him.
He says, "Where's my shoes?"
I said, "Shoes?"
He sounds impatient and says, "YES, my shoes."
I asked him what in the world did he need his shoes for.
He said cause there are people out there....
I said, "Show me."
So I got up from the desk chair followed him to the living room.
Rod was in there and had the TV on.
He looks around and says, Well, the Air Force……errrrr I mean the Army people
ARMY? then I lose it and start laughing
I said laughing all the way through, "Dad, don't tell me the Army is so desperate that they are now taking 90 year old men?"
He says, "Okay, let them put me in the brig, and then see."
He sets on the sofa, looks around, looks at me and then starts laughing.
So I said, “You were dreaming.”
He tries to get out of it by telling me that he didn't know what I was talking about.
Then Rod started laughing.
I can’t win.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Oklahoma Blizzard 2/1/2001

Apparently if I am asleep and Dad gets up before me he is helpless. Not true but Dad acts it. You know the story of the man who can't take care of himself unless there is a woman around to "guide" him? Well, on some days, Dad lives that well. I call it the Poor Me syndrome.
So since we got a snowstorm I stayed in bed. I loaded up on cereal and milk yesterday and Dad knows how to do all that without help. What I should have said was that as long as there is no one in HIS VISION. haha
Rod was up...I saw no reason to GET up. I worked out in the yard yesterday to the point I couldn't move anyway. I had to take pain meds to do that even. At least it was done. I stocked up on what we needed from the store and I was sleeping in.
Dad's morning pills were laid out in a white cup, as usual, on the kitchen table. IN PLAIN SIGHT.
I had got up at 6:30 because I hear someone in the addition. It was Rod. Long story so skipping that.
I didn't wake up again until noon.
I go past Dad's room and there he is with the TV on asleep, as usual. So I get to the living room, there's Rod watching TV, awake....which is UNusual.
So I get to the kitchen, see Dad's undisturbed pills and start asking questions.
Wendy-Rod, did Dad come out to the kitchen this morning and eat breakfast?
Rod- No
Wendy- So what did he come to the kitchen for?
Rod- I dunno.
So I check the sink, no bowl, no milk gone and no cereal touched.
I head to the Dad.....Moving Dad's arm....Dad??? Didn't you eat breakfast? ---No----Why not? ----Cause I couldn't find the cereal.....Why didn't you take your pills?----I didn't see any pills.
Okay, Dad, get up, come to the kitchen pronto....
Follow the sounds of me mumbling obscenities all the way to the kitchen.
It went something like this..."If I wasn't here to direct these men the whole world would friggin fall apart. I don't know how grown men can't find the cereal, take their own damn pills and manage to make it through the day without a woman."
So Dad is laughing as he gets to the kitchen. I am still babbling about I don't care of they starve. If they don't have sense enough to find some food let them starve.
Dad NOW sees his pills telling me they weren't there earlier. Yeah, I put them there NOW just to make you think you are nuts. haha
Then I said, If you choose to be helpless you will get mighty hungry before the day is out. Don't wait for me to appear. You KNOW where everything is and there is not a darn thing wrong with you. hahaha
He thinks it's funny.
So I get the dang cereal out and the milk and I have Rod makes his coffee. That story I won't tell because this is not an about Rod BLOG. I don't have time to write that one. MEN!!
You know my theory on Adam and Eve, don't ya? I will save that one for another day...LOL
So Dad gets done eating 2 huge bowls of cereal....for a man that can't chew as he says, he sure chomps down that STRAW shredded wheat like there's no tomorrow!
So I said...."Dad. It sure snowed." He says, "Here in Oklahoma or Indiana?" I said, "Here, last night, we got about 10-12 so far." Dad tells me we did NOT. hahaha Always has to tell me the opposite of what I say. Always!
I said, "It did too!" He tells me we don't get that much snow. I said we did this time.
He gets up eating and off to the front door he goes but I said, "You can't get the door open." Dad..."Why?" {he loves that word...and now I know where I got it.}"Why?" I asked. "Cause the snow is blocking the door....why else? Come to my office and look out the window."
He sees all the snow and says I guess you are telling the truth. JUST a few moments later after he lays down in bed to watch his TV he announces his fingers are cold as ice. Hmmmm, coincidence to that and the snow? haha So the "Mommy" got the "little boy" his heating pad and all is well with the world...Dad's world, that is. haha
Since Dad has been here MAYBE a couple times his fingers have been white and cold....and then today seeing the snow caused about the third time.
Darn and I wanted to go out with Dad and have a snowball fight!!
Monday, January 31, 2011
One Liner....
Dad was just getting seated and people were gathering around introducing themselves to us. Dad got seated and he was way too close to me and I had no room between he and Rod so I asked him to move down some more. Dad doesn't get UP and move. He twists around in his seat and gets no where.
So I told him he would have to do better than that and he got up with some straining and effort and then moved down....he turns his head to me and in a voice that anyone nearby could hear he says, "Oh good, you made me pee my pants."
Yeah,'s all MY fault....LOL
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Dad without his teeth.

Dad in his normal state....fork in one hand and food in mouth. LOL
He didn't have his teeth in so I asked him if he wanted to grin with no teeth and he started to laugh, as in the second picture. Nothing kept him from continuing to eat though. He was eating meatloaf and he said it was good and soft, just like he liked it. YEAH, WITH NO TEETH! haha
Always take your night time pills at Night!
Rod helped Dad with his bath last night but I got his bedtime pills ready in a cup and his morning pill ready and put aside in the bathroom. I was rather busy last night cleaning my office. I forgot to take that last look at the container of pills in the bathroom as I walked by to my bedroom.
Dad has not forgotten to take them before but then again I do remind him 80% of the time. I did remind him but before he took his bath.
This morning we got up early to go to church. Dad got ready mostly by himself but for putting his pants on backwards.
He makes the annoucement that he took his 4 pills this morning. I told him that he didn't take his morning pills yet....we would go to breakfast after church and then he could take them. He insisted he took them. He said they were on the bathroom sink. So with a few questions I found that he had NOT taken them last night but took them THIS morning. I didn't think too much of it at the time because we were ready to go out the door. It still didn't hit me just what he had taken until we were in the middle of the sermon. Dad started leaning on me little by little...slipping down in the seat over to his left.
I poked Rod to look at what Dad was doing. His lower lip was prodruding out with his teeth dropping down and I almost bursted out laughing when I got my first look. I had to stifle that urge. Then I nudged Dad in the left arm and he looks at me like, What do you want, I am trying to I thought oh yeah, he took the anti-depresant, which had a side effect of making one sleepy. It didn't hit me until the church had to get me a wheelchair they kept on hand that Dad had taken that MUSCLE RELAXANT and he was totally out of it. I had to laugh then....Dad couldn't walk at he was wheeled out and got in the car and I had to push his butt in even at that. It was pretty funny for sure the more I thought about it.
He went home, no breakfast out.....Dad didn't even go to the bathroom. He went STRAIGHT to bed and didn't wake until 2:30pm. When he did get up he came to my office to announce--------GOOD MORNING!.
So the moral of this story is to always take your night time pills at night...but always check to see if DAD took his nighttime pills at NIGHT!
Monday, January 17, 2011
Dad's New Room and Church Decision.
What we decided to do was to stay where we are and add on a bedroom and accessible bathroom for Dad. We will be selling 2 cars and keeping two.
The room he is in now is okay but he has no room for his stuff. He has a twin bed and that's enough room for him since he practically sleeps on the edge and hangs his legs over the side. He says he will be glad to get the full bed I say, Why? You won't sleep in the middle because you say that it's too hard to move over when you need to get up in the middle of the night. He laughs and says, "That's true." Dad's a riot. We are getting a new mattress too. Not a bargained priced one like he always buys. Then again, it won't make any difference. LOL I told Dad if I got a cloud for a mattress he would find fault with it....then he pipes up with, "Yeah, it would be too soft." LOL
We may just put both of the mattresses at his house together for a bed and switch them all the time when he doesn't like them anymore. Oh it WILL happen. One day it will be wrong and the next day the very same mattress will be perfect. And so it goes with Dad.
He has chosen what he wants in his room because he was always the choser. He wanted non slip tile and hardwood floors. I liked that too. However I did have something to say about the color of the walls. He actually thought the color was okay believe it or not. I am still not sure about the one brick interior wall but Dad likes the idea. That's still up for discussion.
So today they are framing. The roof is being raised as well as the chimney. The bathroom is a little bigger than initially designed. We were going to change the bathroom in the hallway of the house. We were going to widen the doors and put in a double shower and take out the tub. After some discussion we decided for convenience it will be better to just add the double shower to the new bathroom. It takes a little space out of the room but it will work out better in the long run I think. Since they were running pipes to the area anyway it didn't cost much more to add the shower.
In the meantime I am cutting down on stuff in the rest of the house...the old upright piano is going since I will be bringing Mom's piano here. I found a very good home for that old upright. I loved the sound of it but I don't have room for all of the things I want. I have been dissolving the closets contents...just too much stuff. BOOKS!!! Too many books but I love books. I do read them too. I always have a book on my stool in the living room. It will be hard to decide which books have to go. I may have to find room under the beds. lol
In Dad's bathroom will be his oak cabinets he made for his own bathoom. He was going to let them go with the house but oh no, that's not happening. He was worried what the new owners would do for towel space. LOL Like I cared. That's their problem Dad. The stained glass cabinet will be in his bathroom too. I wanted him surrounded by the things he made. The gallery rails that he made for Mom are down and ready to move. The shelves he made are coming too. If I could take the baseboards I would. lol Yes, he made them too. He doesn't seem to be so disappointed about selling the house as much as he is disappointed he is no longer able to live alone and take care of himself. He calls this house home now.
We visited a new church yesterday....a smaller church like Riverview used to be a long time ago. This church has a lot of older people. A couple people use walkers too. Dad noticed that right away. We were greeted by a lot of people after we sat down and Dad seemed comfortable. They sang a couple old hymns that he likes. He even sang along. He can't read the song book but he knows the words anyway.
He said he would like to go there but I told him we needed to visit a couple more that I had in mind that were about the same size
He doesn't like a big church or one that is so far away and one that you have to walk so far to get to the pew. He wanted older people in the church and songs he knew. I did some research online to find 3 that will be possibilites and then let him choose from them. They are less than 2 miles away too. One man came up to us to say hi and he works at the same place Rod does. I figured we would run into people we knew. I have met him before and dinner functions and he ALWAYS comes and greets us. People like that stand out and one always remembers them being friendly.
So we shall see which one Dad chooses and then I will take photos of him in his new church.
I am posting new photos of the construction and they should be approved and up in a few hours.