Last Evening...
Dad had just finished eating and was still in the kitchen. Rod had finished and was now in his chair in the living room. I was urging Dad to get up and go to his chair in the living room so I could go and sit down myself.
Dad got up and walked to his chair and I glanced down at his feet and there seemed to be something sticking out of the pants he had on. I didn't think too much of it at the time. I finished walking him to the chair. I got my drink and sat down in my chair. I look over at Dad and asked, "Where did you get those sweat pants that you have on?" He looks at me and says, "Out of the dirty clothes." So here goes twenty questions just to get to the simple truth of the matter....I repeated what all he had said and basically it was like this. He had come home from the Senior Center and he walked back to the bathroom first. He thought his sweat pants he wore from that morning were WET so he took them off. Then he grabbed a pair of DIRTY ones from the hamper in his bathroom. {I have repeatedly asked him NOT to do that. Call me!!} Then somehow those sweatpants had not been cleaned out and he NOW had a pair of his underwear sticking out from the elastic band at the bottom.
I get up from my chair laughing and pull the underwear out. I asked him how they go there and of course, he didn't know. He didn't put them there! Dad, using NO logic whatsoever said they could be the ones he is wearing now. How COULD that be? haha
They also still had the old pad in it that he had taken off with the sweatpants and put in the hamper. {Oh I could tell you horror stories with Dad's dirty clothes hamper}
So he still couldn't figure how those underwear got in there trying to convince me that he didn't put them there. As Rod is laughing along with all this, he pipes up and tells me he can't hear his Celtic Thunder DVD. I looked at him and said calmly, "Does this face look as though it cares that you can't hear the same DVD that you have listened to at least 20 times?" I am still laughing at Dad who is still trying to figure out what happened.
All at the same time, I happened to mention to Rod that if he liked that music so well why didn't he listen to Gordon Lightfoot because that was the ballad type music that he was listening to.
Rod looks at me and says, "Didn't he sing Ella Fitzgerald?"
OMG, I really laughed and peed my pants that time. Ella Fitzgerald!!!! He threw me off so much with that one that I really couldn't even remember the name of the song Gordon sang until 2 days later....The Wreck of The Edmond Fitzgerald!!
So you figure out who is Dumb and who is Dumber!
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