
Friday, November 4, 2011

Pinocchio Odie

Dad was in the bathroom using the toilet....he seemed to be in a hurry to get there after we just got home from a restaurant. (if ya get my drift)
So next thing I know he is walking into the living room. I asked him why he didn't ring the bell so I could come and help. He said he didn't need to. I asked him if he had a BM and he said yes.
Hmmmm, I always have to assist him with the cleaning so I asked him he had any trouble cleaning himself. He says no....
Next thing I asked was if he washed his hands. I usually clean him because he can't do it very well and then he won't use the soap and water.
Oh yeah, he says....he washed his hands.
So I grab his hand like I did my little kids and there was no soap smell on dampness from the water either. Did he think I just got off the boat yesterday? haha So he says quickly....Oh I didn't use soap and he grinned.....
So now I am on a quest.....I go to his sink and guess what.....the sink is as dry as it was when it was first put in.
So out to the living room I go...........I said you didn't wash your hands even with water, let alone soap. Now how many things are you going to touch with those germ filled hands before you go to bed.
He starts grinning. I caught him in a big lie and told him he was grounded. LOL He laughed and told me he couldn't pull anything over on me.
Sheesh.....who would have thought and old man would lie to his daughter like that?

Pinocchio lives here.

1 comment:

  1. lol. That's a culture shock. Now if you can get Gramps to live out what he tried to teach YOU as you were growing up! {-D
