
Monday, September 5, 2011

Horse in the Pasture...

Setting the scene~Monday afternoon...Dad just spent 1.5 hours eating dinner. Tried to pour his water on his garlic bread, telling me that it was honey. Yes, I said HONEY....I think the water would have been an improvement. He was really aiming for the honey on the turntable and kept grabbing his water, trying to pour it. He got miffed at me because I kept trying to stop him from soaking his food and garlic bread with water.

If Dad had all his senses of smell back he would actually gag himself for some of the things he comes up with. (Strawberry jam on biscuits and gravy is an example.) He says it sweetens the gravy.
However, that has nothing to do with my story. So he gets done eating, goes to his chair in the living room. I am moving a table around while he is sitting in his chair.
The following back and forth conversation goes as written.

Dad...That horse is trying to get ahold of the sheet.
Wendy...What horse?
Dad...The horse behind you in the pasture.
Wendy...Oh lordie, pasture....what pasture?
Dad...The one the horse is in...didn't you hear me?
Wendy...Open your eyes, Dad....
Dad...They are open. (his eyes are completely shut)
Wendy...Open your EYES, Dad!
Dad...(opening his eyes)
Wendy...Now where is the horse?
Dad...He is gone now.
Wendy...Funny how those things disappear when you open your eyes....ever think about that?
Wendy...Put two and two together and what do you get?
Dad...(laughing) FIVE!
Wendy...That explains a lot of your problem right there.
Dad...(falls asleep)

1 comment:

  1. (lol) Boy, how Math has changed since I was a kid! You're too funny, Gramps! :-D
