Some have wanted to know what's been going on.....a lot....believe me. I am trying to catch up.
We had to postpone Brunch due to Rod getting a fever...snow came down Sunday morning but disappeared in hours. Rod was still sick during the day so by morning I knew we would have to postpone Brunch. Dad was fine with that but he did want to know what was for lunch.
So we will plan to go this Sunday to the Radisson. {I have stopped writing this ohhhh about 8 times....Dad will NOT settle down this morning. I can't get much written}
Here's one of our conversations this morning.
Wendy to Dad: Do you like to fall?
Dad: Uh hmmmmm
Wendy:Why do you like to fall?
Dad: Shows scars, shows you've been through the battlefield.
Which explains the red mark above his left eyebrow. {read on}
It's just been a very active 2 days. To make it short because hard telling how much time I have to finish this before I have to jump up again. Yesterday early evening, Dad started with the hallucinations again. He will NOT let loose of something once he gets it in his head. Distractions used to work with him but no more. They are short lived.
All evening he was wired. He sticks with the story of certain relatives who moved into his house, taken over and have tore up his cars. Makes no difference what we say to assure him, he comes back to the same story. This has been going on with the same story since last November. It only comes up when the hallucinations start. He wouldn't go to sleep until midnight and then he was up every hour after that.....AND to Rod and My SURPRISE, he came in our bedroom at 3AM, {YEP, you were right Debbie...almost 100% haha}turns on the light....which really surprised me because he can't find the switch in any other part of the house.....scared the heck out of both of us and then he asks, What are YOU doing in here? {meaning me} Needless to say, he knows how to find the bed alarm and turn it off even before I heard it go off. I did have my earplugs in because he talks all night to "others" in the room at times like these. I can hear the bed alarm even with the earplugs because it's so loud. Rod sleeps more soundly than me thank goodness.
Dad told me later today that I had left him with a bunch of people last night that didn't know where I went. He had been outside and couldn't find out where I was. {He was NOT really outside.}
He had a red oval mark above his eyebrow....I asked him where he got it and he said he fell outside on the sidewalk. It's hard to find out exactly what happened when Dad is like this.
Usually when it passes is when he tells what was going on in his mind. I was put out to say the least with him turning the alarm off. Now I have to outsmart him and find a better way to hide it.
Just like an electrician. Ah ha, I think the solution is to attach a fake cord and at least confuse him for time enough for me to get to him after the alarm goes off.
You cannot imagine how fast he can be for someone who is suppose to be disabled and 89!!
Dad’s new Podiatrist said that HE only wished the pulse in his arteries in HIS legs were AS good as Dads when he reaches 89! Dad is in better shape than he thinks. He bounces back fairly quickly.
The main thing I am concerned about is him falling with all the walking that he wants to do without help.
Today he has been on the go all day. I have tried to get him to take a nap but he hops up and starts walking around the room looking for car parts. His car parts are in the house. Those people, Bob being one name, whoever that is because he does not know the last name...has totally tore the cars apart. I try to bring him back to reality with, "Well, we better call the insurance company and cancel now that the cars are totaled." Then he goes into that I better not because we have to find out the details to what happened. He is having fits today about anything and everything. His mind won't rest. Rod came home a little after 3pm and Dad is telling him all about the cars, money disappearing and other unrelated issues.
Dad 'saw' a service man {Military} outside in our back yard. He said that the Sergeant was waiting for him to come out after he got off work. They were trying to get Dad in the Draft.....oh I tried to reason with that one and Dad just thinks I am full of hot air. ha-ha Rod tried to play the other way and tell him that he better get ready before the guy knocked on the door.....Oh no, Dad thought it was time to change his clothes and tried to get up to do so.
He has been on the go since Sunday Morning at 8am. I figure he has to wind down eventually. I sure hope he sleeps well tonight.
Tomorrow Diana comes to give him a bath and Mark comes right before her at 8:30am. Then, if all goes well, I will take Dad to Senior Day Out and maybe he will find something to enjoy there and stay focused.
It's been an issue that Dad doesn't like some things there at the center. Rod and I had a meeting with the nurse and the director last Thursday. I told them about the things that Dad complains about and they both told me that Dad has never acted as though he is not having a good time. It was as I suspected and WHY he didn't want me to say anything to them. However, when we were about to leave the meeting, there was Dad walking unassisted to the closet to get his coat. He was very upset that I was not there to get him. The nurse had told him I was there but we were in a meeting. I saw her do it and I waved at Dad but he said she didn't tell him any such thing. This was the first time the nurse saw Dad behave as such and was very surprised. I was upset that Dad was walking alone when I specifically stated that he is NOT to walk unassisted as he was a serious fall risk. The nurse apologized and said it will be the topic of concern to ALL the staff in the morning at their daily meeting. I was assured today on the phone that it was taken care of. I will be taking Dad's walker with him each day he is there so he can at least have the walker for better stability. Dad is walking so well for such a short time here. He is stronger and quite determined. He gets up off our sofas without trouble at all. He does it better than I do.
~~I will try and get a video posted of his walking on here soon.~~
It has taken me all day to write this....literally all day. I started this morning at 9am and it is now 9pm. That's how busy he kept me. He was into everything and anything all day.
I have known all along that there would be danger in Dad regaining his ability to walk again. It's a good thing for sure but it's also a major concern and reason to worry he will have a serious fall and break something.
As close as I watch him, there is always that time when he is faster than me. :-)
OMG, Dad is here in the living room.....wandering mind wise.....and he has his cane in his hand pointed out like a rifle....he asks me what he is suppose to do with it....I said with what? He says with this gun....I said GUN? What kind of gun? Dad's smart alec answer??? Bang Bang, with a big grin!! haha One big show after another around here.
Man, Wendy, this Blogsite is quite addictive! Day-by-day it seems you have the makings of a TV Reality Show! Really, it's awesome seeing Grandpa doing so well like he is now. And, who says a cane has to be just for walking anymore?
ReplyDeleteOMG grandpa is hilarious. but of course we all knew that. hope he rests soon. it sounds quite exhausting for all concerned.