
Monday, February 8, 2010

A Day of Shopping

We three left the house yesterday at about 10:00am for shopping at Sam's, Walmart and JCPenny's. Dad wants a new pair of I had brought only his slippers because he was having trouble with his long toes...and he couldn't get his other shoes on without it hurting. He still has trouble with the toes but he insisted on a new pair of shoes. So I had coupons so we chose to look at Pennys for shoes. It never fails that we get someone who just gives me a story to tell....I went to Pennys for them to PUT the shoes on Dad.....not where they throw me a box of shoes and I am on my own. I told her that Dad needed shoes and I gave her some styles to start with. Dad and I had already checked out all the shoes before he sat down.
She comes over, I asked her to measure his foot,  I show her the shoes he wants and she goes back to get a few pairs. She hands them to ME.......whooooooooaaaaaa lady.....I said Oh, aren't you going to put them on HIM? She looks at me funny and says, Oh you want me to do it? Uhhhhh, yeah....that's what I think you are to do. I pointed to one of those stools where they sales person sits on and the customer puts his foot on and said....You do know the purpose of that contraption don't you? hahaha Rod grins....Dad looks as though that lady will snatch me baldheaded if I said something like that one more time.....oh but wait, don't feel sorry for HER.....keep reading. She said we do help if asked. I asked.
She is taking out the shoe of the box and asks me....."Which is his right foot?"
Uhhh, what did she just ask me? hahaha Which is HIS right foot? So I thought OH BOY, we got a ringer. Someone planted this woman here to completely drop me off the ridge of reality. So stunned.....I just asked her slowly just to make sure of what she said.....So you want to know which one one of Dad's feet is the RIGHT one?? I looked at Rod....and Rod was about to burst with some total obscure question for her but I made my eyes big as not to aggravate her or she will bring the wrong shoes for hours. hahaha
Oh he couldn't help himself and asked her how long she had worked there.......She comes back with TEN for TEN years this woman has worked in a shoe store at Pennys and STILL doesn't know her right from left. {ya sure can't make this stuff up}
So Dad, hearing all this, pipes up......lifts his right leg and shows her which is which!! hahahaha

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