
Monday, February 22, 2010

Dad and his PILL Story....repeats almost every evening...

Dad's dementia started again in the middle of the night...naturally. He got me up several times.....two legitimate bathroom breaks and the others were because he was getting dressed at 2am and 4am. Ted P. was here apparently and at 4am he wanted his pants so he could go out in the living room to see him. He got me up again at 7am and I said OK, you are getting up, getting dressed, having breakfast and you are going to the Senior Center an hour early. He didn't say a word. Some things never change......We picked up Dad at the Senior Center at 4pm. He complained all the way to Walmart about this that and other stories from the Senior Center. Seems as though some of the men got half a side of chicken for lunch and he got some chicken pcs and bread Dad always did have his eyes on everyone elses plate. Now that he has his appetite back, it is a point of Interest with him now. So we get home and I am making homemade fries and hamburger sliders.....something new to Dad and he filled his plate. He got one slider and was eyeing how many Rod got.....Dad hadn't even eaten his slider and grabbed another one from the center plate JUST to make SURE he got more....hahahaha It was so funny because there were plenty left. Dad is on a hallucinating trip today.....little men everywhere....a little red haired boy, and bugs and just about anything out of kilter.....his watch wasn't working today because of that magnetic field he is always talking about. Dad gets done with dinner.....then Rod takes him to the bathroom and I go get him. I have him get his clothes off and take his teeth out and wash his face.....just to get ready for bed because he had a long day and I knew he would soon want to sleep. He wanted to go out on the sofa we did and in about 30 seconds he was asleep.....I regretted then not giving him his meds first because it was going to be hard to get him up. I let him sleep for about 20 minutes. He was making so much growling noise that I finally had to get him up. 
Here's how it went.... 
Wendy:Hey Dad....wake up, let's go out to the kitchen and take your pills.... 
Dad:Mumbling without his teeth.....I already took my pills......and I don't want to go to the kitchen. 
Wendy: You did not take your pills and I want you to drink your other stuff and you can't drink it in here. 
Dad:Mumbling and laughing: I want to take my pills in here. 
Wendy:Oh sure, like I got nothing to do but wait on you hand and feet. {laughing}
Dad:Yeah, well, you're the one that wanted me to take the pills.{laughing}
I get to Dad with the pills and his Miralax in a cup and he is leaning way over to the left.
Wendy: Dad, sit up straight so you can drink this and open your eyes. Dad: laughing.....I don't want to swim up stream.......laughing again. Wendy:laughing hard now.....I don't care if you don't want to swim up stream, just sit up STRAIGHT. 
Dad is still laughing and just making it so difficult and he thinks he is a RIOT. 
Rod is laughing and Dad is making faces and complaining he is taking too many pills.....they are just vitamins and he has taken the same amount for months and EACH night we go through this with how many more pills I seem to be giving him. 
He takes 2 prescriptions. The rest are vitamins and supplements....he is so lucky to be 89 and take so few pills. 
One is a pain pill and the other is an anti-depressant. Very lucky! 
Oh this is a typical evening with Dad.....loves to argue and says it's me.

OMG you should have seen him in Walmart.....riding on the scooter......look out, here comes Dad!!!!! He was justagrinn'. He caught the attention of a couple gals in the store. They were smiling at his tricks.

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