Dad if feeling feisty this morning....so the rough patch has passed. He is back to his smart alec answers and in the bathroom shaving!
His epidural shot went well...and I mean to tell you...that Dr is an awesome Dr. There isn't anyone like him I am sure. I only wish he was my Primary Care Dr...I really appreciate the one I have but Dr M is one of a kind. He personally walked Dad to the procedure room...Dad said that he was too slow for him but Dr M said, "You are doing fine and we are running slow today anyhow." {Later Dad asked me which one was the Dr and I told him and he couldn't believe he walked him to the room."
Dad slept all night long...he got up once at 2am but was back in bed and slept till 9am, when I woke him. Of course he had a few stories to go with his sleep.
First thing I asked this morning was how did he sleep....He said okay but that he was on the floor. FLOOR? He wasn't. So I asked another couple questions and he says, "What's with all the questions?". haha I told him I just wanted to know if he got some good rest...then he went on to say that he would have if he wasn't on the floor. I ignored that again....So then he raises up and says, "Who put me back in bed?" I told him it wasn't me and in fact, he was never on the floor. I pointed out had he been on the floor he would have never been able to get up by himself. I told him I checked on him at 7:30, 8:30 and woke him at 9am and he was still in the same position each time. Dad said I was playing games and started laughing.
I pointed out it was HE that was playing games! We could have argued that one all day and he would have enjoyed every minute of it but I had stuff to do. ha
Then he told me that he was all tangled up in the sheets again. I asked how he could do that and be on the FLOOR and he laughed and smirked at me and said he took them with him. He pointed out how he had to TIE the sheet to the bed to keep from falling off....hahaha I laughed and laughed when I saw that INDEED he HAD tied the sheet corner to the bottom of the bed post. *shaking my head* I asked what good that would go when he was laying on TOP of the sheet? He didn't have an answer for that and again said....while laughing..."Well, you proved me wrong again!" hahaha
So after that little skit that plays out in and around the house, he got up, got dressed and ate a hot cooked breakfast with some PROTEIN! *I argue that cereal is not protein, when he would rather eat cold cereal. The fact that he was out of SILK milk and he had just taken his thyroid pill fixed the fact that he had to eat a cooked breakfast instead. {cow's milk / thyroid pills don't mix}
So the quote/question for the day from Dad is: What time is it outside today? {he catches himself and says....Or Inside for that matter?} haha Very funny!
Off to the Senior Center for 10:30 Bible Study!
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