
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

This weeks news...

I am a little behind in posting...lots going on...but Dad is still doing well. He has had a couple incidents of dementia but it's cleared up fast. He still thinks he has to "go upstairs" to get to the kitchen. Not sure why. He is stooping over more when he walks...I try to keep after him about standing up as his PT did. He had his last session with the PT guy, Mark last week. Although we can start it up again as needed, Dad is getting scheduled exercise from the arthritis foundation at the Senior Center 3X a week. We are going to continue baths as that helps me out a lot. As long as they will do it free, I will ask for it.
Dad is very clear thinking most of the time....he loves to tell the stories of what happened at the Senior Center. All the time he has some new ones to tell me that I either forgot or never heard. I have one to share later as I get the time.
We are going to see a play this month. Dad's first! I will have photos and such to share with that later too.
Dad has a busy schedule and I am thinking of how I will keep him busy in Indiana. I can't have him just sitting in his chair all the time. I am hoping to get him in a schedule at some place that he can go and be with his age people to stay busy.
He has a good friend at the BA center now...his name is John and I will post a photo when I can get one.
Today one of the girls asked me where I got the cake with the car on it. I told her and she said that JOHN is telling everyone that was the best party he has ever been to and he wants a cake with a picture on it too. haha Very cute! John will be 90 in December and it's really good to know that he has every intention of seeing that 90th birthday. He has even picked out the photo for the cake for his daughter to order. Dad told me today that he and John has a lot in common they found out. They both live with their youngest daughter for one. John has been there for 3 years and knows the ropes. Dad says they try to set together for lunch and for discussions. It really means a lot for Dad to have a really good friend since he is away from his others. Now that Dad is a little more settled I have been asking him about if he wanted to go to church. He hasn't been too interested in it but I do ask. He seems fairly stuck with the one in Logansport and I think he is worried about going to a new place. He just doesn't like new situations, even if we are there, he still asks questions before we get there about what to expect. That's nothing new about Dad though.
More later...

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