I presented the idea of wearing shorts to Dad about 2 weeks ago....Oh nooooooo, he wasn't wearing shorts....I asked why. He said because he had ugly legs. That's IT? Oh gee whiz. So yesterday, being Memorial Day, I laid out some short and a sleeveless shirt. Dad laughed when he saw it and his comment was, "You are bound and determined to get me in shorts, aren't you? YEP....and he put them on and first words out of his mouth? I feel like I am half dressed. LOL
Oh but he got used to it and IN FACT, he got up this morning and put them back on for the day.
I will add more photos of the day when I get a chance.
Dad is outside with Rod working on the bike. I think he is probably glad he has those shorts on because it's 90 degrees.
Dad needs a dip in a pool for sure. lol That's next!
Dad passed away on March 5th 2013. Although he is gone his memories will remain. I will still continue posting. There are many stories about Dad that still remain to be told. I will continue with stories. I have many stories that run through my head from time to time. Dad may not have traveled a lot but he sure had a lot of experiences. Starting the New Year....Welcome to 2020. Wendy Rose
Monday, May 31, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Today is a new day!

Dad if feeling feisty this morning....so the rough patch has passed. He is back to his smart alec answers and in the bathroom shaving!
His epidural shot went well...and I mean to tell you...that Dr is an awesome Dr. There isn't anyone like him I am sure. I only wish he was my Primary Care Dr...I really appreciate the one I have but Dr M is one of a kind. He personally walked Dad to the procedure room...Dad said that he was too slow for him but Dr M said, "You are doing fine and we are running slow today anyhow." {Later Dad asked me which one was the Dr and I told him and he couldn't believe he walked him to the room."
Dad slept all night long...he got up once at 2am but was back in bed and slept till 9am, when I woke him. Of course he had a few stories to go with his sleep.
First thing I asked this morning was how did he sleep....He said okay but that he was on the floor. FLOOR? He wasn't. So I asked another couple questions and he says, "What's with all the questions?". haha I told him I just wanted to know if he got some good rest...then he went on to say that he would have if he wasn't on the floor. I ignored that again....So then he raises up and says, "Who put me back in bed?" I told him it wasn't me and in fact, he was never on the floor. I pointed out had he been on the floor he would have never been able to get up by himself. I told him I checked on him at 7:30, 8:30 and woke him at 9am and he was still in the same position each time. Dad said I was playing games and started laughing.
I pointed out it was HE that was playing games! We could have argued that one all day and he would have enjoyed every minute of it but I had stuff to do. ha
Then he told me that he was all tangled up in the sheets again. I asked how he could do that and be on the FLOOR and he laughed and smirked at me and said he took them with him. He pointed out how he had to TIE the sheet to the bed to keep from falling off....hahaha I laughed and laughed when I saw that INDEED he HAD tied the sheet corner to the bottom of the bed post. *shaking my head* I asked what good that would go when he was laying on TOP of the sheet? He didn't have an answer for that and again said....while laughing..."Well, you proved me wrong again!" hahaha
So after that little skit that plays out in and around the house, he got up, got dressed and ate a hot cooked breakfast with some PROTEIN! *I argue that cereal is not protein, when he would rather eat cold cereal. The fact that he was out of SILK milk and he had just taken his thyroid pill fixed the fact that he had to eat a cooked breakfast instead. {cow's milk / thyroid pills don't mix}
So the quote/question for the day from Dad is: What time is it outside today? {he catches himself and says....Or Inside for that matter?} haha Very funny!
Off to the Senior Center for 10:30 Bible Study!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Ghosts Abound....

Dad has been dreaming a lot lately. Well, more than usual and he has been confused about what was real and not real. He was eating breakfast yesterday morning and told me about seeing Mom over his bed and putting the covers back on him. He started to cry about it....I patted his hand and said I wish I could see her. I don't know if she is really there or not but he believes it and I let it go at that. There are spirits around us I believe so why not Mom hanging around Dad?
He sees a woman in his room with a little baby sometimes. She never says anything, just walks around with the baby. He was seeing her without having dementia so it's something else bringing these visions to light. They sure make good stories for Dad to tell though.
Dad is having a bit of a set back in the last 24 hours. Not sure what brought it on other than the connections in the brain. I have noticed several changes in the last week. There were a couple times he asked me questions that were a bit fuzzy. Yesterday he went to the Senior Center. I picked him up around 4pm and we went to the foot dr. I noticed in there he was getting days confused and was concerned about what to say to the dr about how he was doing. He couldn't remember how he was doing with his feet. I told him to relax and just wait for the Drs questions and just to tell him what he is feeling NOW...it all worked out and Dad was able to tell him what was going on.
When we got home I told Dad to change into his robe and be more comfy...which he did. He had not slept good the night before with dreaming and seeing people so I thought a rest might be in order before dinner.
He slept restlessly for about 2 hours and then when he started to wake up he was weak and needed both Rod and I to help him up off the sofa when he could get up all by himself not less than a day ago. I have been concerned about little signs I have seen but this was by far not good. He knew he was going backwards too. I told him he is bound to have some setbacks....and to keep thinking about how far he has come. It's been rainy and damp and we all have had achy muscles and joint pain. He did get to the table but he was being slow at eating and somewhat messy. His hand started to jerk a lot more last night. He asked me if Bob and his son was here. (his cousin) I just replied back in the form of a question....Did you think Bob came all the way to Oklahoma? Then he thought for himself saying he didn't know what he was thinking.
He also thought that he had some coins in his pockets that were hot. I assured him there were no coins and that it was Dementia that was creeping back in and to fight it the best he could. He said it seemed so real and would try to keep it all straight.
His appetite was good though....he had room for some carrot cake!
He went back to the sofa to watch some TV with us but soon fell asleep. He was moaning most of the time which was an old habit several months ago. I let him sleep until 10pm and then woke him to go to bed. Rod helped him to the bathroom and then I got Dad ready for bed. He was rather "out of it" but he would answer me when I asked a question. His hearing has been especially poor in the last few days. Not sure if there is a relation but it is curious. Some months ago his hearing actually improved with the dementia. Odd.
So he finally did get into bed. I asked him if he needed the alarm on the bed again and he said yes. So with that yes I figured he knew something was up and didn't trust himself to get up alone. We all went to bed and I awoke at 4am and realized Dad's alarm never went off. So I checked on him and he was SOUND asleep, and still in the same position as he was when he went to bed. That never happens. He was apparently just wore out and with the bad nights sleep prior to last night, he was finally getting some real good rest.
I had set the alarm for him to get up at 6am so he could have breakfast because after 7am he couldn't have anything to eat or drink until they do the epidural today. He didn't stir much when I tried to wake him so I decided sleep was more important than food so let him be. By 6:45am he was getting up and then I went back in the room to offer cereal again and yes, he was ready.
The nurse came at 9am and Dad had gone back to bed after breakfast. Then Diana, the bath gal was here by 9:30 and Dad was moving much better but still needing assistance in getting from one place to the other.
He is resting on the sofa watching the Price is Right. In an hour we wll be off to get his "booster" steroid shot in the back.
Let's hope that this was just a short set back and that the dementia does not take over his mind again.
Dad is entertaining...even early in the morning.
I had set my alarm for 8am but I never manage to get up as it goes off. Instead, I hit it several times wondering why it keeps going off. I didn't hear Dad at all so I thought I could get a few more winks. As I lay there I heard the water running thinking he had just got up so I knew that I had to get up at that point. I get up and go past his room and he is not there...go past the bathroom and no Dad....so I wander out to the living room and from there I can see Dad at the kitchen table eating. I get a little closer and then I just burst out laughing. There is Dad....eating with one arm in the long sleeve of his shirt and the other arm completely out of it and the shirt is upside down. Then he starts laughing asking, "Isn't this something?" Yes, I thought, but WHAT?
So here comes the explanation as IF I haven't heard it before. He couldn't find which hole to put his second arm in and he just gave up and decided to just eat in the shirt that way until he was rescued. I asked him what would he have done had he been all alone and he said he would have stayed that way. LORDIE! What a character.
So here comes the explanation as IF I haven't heard it before. He couldn't find which hole to put his second arm in and he just gave up and decided to just eat in the shirt that way until he was rescued. I asked him what would he have done had he been all alone and he said he would have stayed that way. LORDIE! What a character.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Continuing to do well...
Dad's home health services are coming to an end soon. He still gets his twice a week bath lady to come in and I do it the rest of the time. His PT has ended because Dad is doing so well. He does his exercises daily on his own. He also exercises at the Senior Center 3 times a week. He is getting plenty of exercising.
We get out a lot during the week.
After our meeting on Thursday night we ended up at a new German restaurant. Dad said he wanted to go back and if DAD wants to go back you know it's a good place to eat. He didn't complain about one thing. haha He had Hungarian Goulash and Hot German Potato Salad and pretzel bread. Oh and for dessert he and Rod shared an Apple Streudal. Dad said he had to come back to try all the other dishes. We met the owner and had a nice visit.
One of the waiters had stopped to talk to us and he was telling us where he was from....and was asking about Dad and telling us that his own Grandpa lived to be 102. So I asked him to guess how old Dad was and he says.....oh about 72....boy, you should have seen the grin on Dad's face. When Dad told him NINETY, the guy couldn't believe it and told Dad he must be doing something right.
These sort of conversations keeps Dad going. In one thing for family to encourage but an other ball game altogther when he gets affirmation from strangers.
He continues to tell stories from the Senior center. He still can't wait to relay some story of the days events. Just at dinner tonight he remembered another one from yesterday.
There is one that is a little hard to take and Dad disapproves, let's say. I know who he means because I had a run in with him out in the parking lot. He is the type of guy that has to comment on everything, knows it all, and tells you what you should be doing without solicitaion. He grabbed the arm of another old lady and Dad said he about wanted to get up and POP him one. Can you imagine that one?.....hahaha Rod told him to accidentally swing that cane in his direction. Dad can think of stuff to do but he rarely acts them out. I see where I get that at when watching and listening to Dad on a day to day basis. The lady was rescued by a volunteer. Now Dad has it in for this guy....doesn't want to be around him at all. I can't say I blame him. I told Dad just to stay away from him the best he could.
Rod has to work in the morning...he has been doing a lot of overtime. We usually go garage saling on Saturday morning so now Dad and I will venture out by ourselves to at least a church sale. It's suppose to be raining all weekend. Nasty wet week we have had. It's been chilly too.
Dad keeps in touch with friends via phone....he forgets sometimes to make calls. I have to remind him when it comes to his older friends who can't remember either. haha
He plans on going to the reunion in July and travel to Illinois. I told him I would see that he gets there. So he called his cousin and told him to plan on it. I am glad that Dad will be able to travel and get around this year and be able to enjoy it. I know Ede will be so very happy to see Dad up and around.
Dad has had one epidural pain shot and going for the second one this next week again. It helps Dad to stay walking around. If I had just thought about it sooner I would have had him to get them sooner last year when he started to fall. Sometimes the answer is right there in front of you and you just can't see it. Dad has come so far in such a short time and it is nothing short of miraculous and he knows it.
Now if we can just get him to stop eating sweets!!! He lives for dessert and I am a sucker for making them. I had to cut most of them out and remove the chocolate candy he bought to a safer place.....but boy can he find hiding spots. He is now at 184 pounds. That's where he has to stop because I told him if he gets down again, I won't be able to lift him. He is healthy, good heart sounds, and no fluids on his lungs or around his heart. He has not been sick with any colds or sniffles. I know he eats sweets but he gets plenty of proteins and fresh veggies and good nourishing soups and fruits. I never miss his meds either. I remember HIS before I remember mine and they are right there next to each other for heaven's sakes!
I think he is looking forward to going to the play. He was looking through his classic car magazine and saw a 65 Ford Convertible article.....he thought we could get it out and drive it to Muskogee for the play. I said that's a good idea, mention it to Rod cause he never does what I want. hahaha Dad is good to have around cause Rod would do just about anything for Dad. Sneaky aren't I? Yep, I told Dad I learned that one from Mom. Dad laughed. He remembered.
We get out a lot during the week.
After our meeting on Thursday night we ended up at a new German restaurant. Dad said he wanted to go back and if DAD wants to go back you know it's a good place to eat. He didn't complain about one thing. haha He had Hungarian Goulash and Hot German Potato Salad and pretzel bread. Oh and for dessert he and Rod shared an Apple Streudal. Dad said he had to come back to try all the other dishes. We met the owner and had a nice visit.
One of the waiters had stopped to talk to us and he was telling us where he was from....and was asking about Dad and telling us that his own Grandpa lived to be 102. So I asked him to guess how old Dad was and he says.....oh about 72....boy, you should have seen the grin on Dad's face. When Dad told him NINETY, the guy couldn't believe it and told Dad he must be doing something right.
These sort of conversations keeps Dad going. In one thing for family to encourage but an other ball game altogther when he gets affirmation from strangers.
He continues to tell stories from the Senior center. He still can't wait to relay some story of the days events. Just at dinner tonight he remembered another one from yesterday.
There is one that is a little hard to take and Dad disapproves, let's say. I know who he means because I had a run in with him out in the parking lot. He is the type of guy that has to comment on everything, knows it all, and tells you what you should be doing without solicitaion. He grabbed the arm of another old lady and Dad said he about wanted to get up and POP him one. Can you imagine that one?.....hahaha Rod told him to accidentally swing that cane in his direction. Dad can think of stuff to do but he rarely acts them out. I see where I get that at when watching and listening to Dad on a day to day basis. The lady was rescued by a volunteer. Now Dad has it in for this guy....doesn't want to be around him at all. I can't say I blame him. I told Dad just to stay away from him the best he could.
Rod has to work in the morning...he has been doing a lot of overtime. We usually go garage saling on Saturday morning so now Dad and I will venture out by ourselves to at least a church sale. It's suppose to be raining all weekend. Nasty wet week we have had. It's been chilly too.
Dad keeps in touch with friends via phone....he forgets sometimes to make calls. I have to remind him when it comes to his older friends who can't remember either. haha
He plans on going to the reunion in July and travel to Illinois. I told him I would see that he gets there. So he called his cousin and told him to plan on it. I am glad that Dad will be able to travel and get around this year and be able to enjoy it. I know Ede will be so very happy to see Dad up and around.
Dad has had one epidural pain shot and going for the second one this next week again. It helps Dad to stay walking around. If I had just thought about it sooner I would have had him to get them sooner last year when he started to fall. Sometimes the answer is right there in front of you and you just can't see it. Dad has come so far in such a short time and it is nothing short of miraculous and he knows it.
Now if we can just get him to stop eating sweets!!! He lives for dessert and I am a sucker for making them. I had to cut most of them out and remove the chocolate candy he bought to a safer place.....but boy can he find hiding spots. He is now at 184 pounds. That's where he has to stop because I told him if he gets down again, I won't be able to lift him. He is healthy, good heart sounds, and no fluids on his lungs or around his heart. He has not been sick with any colds or sniffles. I know he eats sweets but he gets plenty of proteins and fresh veggies and good nourishing soups and fruits. I never miss his meds either. I remember HIS before I remember mine and they are right there next to each other for heaven's sakes!
I think he is looking forward to going to the play. He was looking through his classic car magazine and saw a 65 Ford Convertible article.....he thought we could get it out and drive it to Muskogee for the play. I said that's a good idea, mention it to Rod cause he never does what I want. hahaha Dad is good to have around cause Rod would do just about anything for Dad. Sneaky aren't I? Yep, I told Dad I learned that one from Mom. Dad laughed. He remembered.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Dad is taking a nap today....usually he takes one in the living room with his feet up. Dad just learned to use the TV in his bedroom. haha Family joke with Dad and the remotes. This TV is easier to use and he learned it in one lesson last night after he asked me how to turn it on. I use the timer at night so he can fall asleep with either the Bible on CD or watching Animal Planet. I think he is getting hooked on TV at night like the rest of the world. Mom and Dad never liked a TV in their bedroom and I can't go to sleep without watching the TV for a little bit. Funny how we all have our rituals and get stuck in them.
I asked Nola to take some photos of Dad's house so he knows everything is still there and okay. When he was having dementia so much that was a main concern for him. Now he knows that he was hallucinating. To him, they were very real. He can remember all that too. Even if I had the photos back then, I don't believe he would have believed me anyway. Dementia if very powerful I have learned. Not something I ever want to have for myself one day.
Dad misses home and his friends. He is so looking forward to his next visit.
Dad knows that he has to live with me. I am unable to take care of Dad alone. I thought at one time I could come and stay with him but there is so much to do that I can't physically do anymore. He knows I need to be home. He used to say that when I came to stay with him but I pretended like I could handle it when I really couldn't. He had enough worries.
So now we have come to decision making time about selling the house. It's coming and he says it has to be done. The market is lousy right now so we are just waiting. Dad wants to do things NOW but there are times when you just have to wait. One step at a time.
He does enjoy checking out nature here....and my flowers... He will sit in the kitchen for hours and watch the birds and squirrels in the back yard. I am going to make an obstacle course of sorts for the squirrels so Dad can have that as entertainment. We have 4 squirrels that stay in our yard most of the time. They chase each other and entertain us very well. I am hoping the Orioles are coming back this month for Dad to see. We had so many last year it was the most incredible site. I have an orange out on the picnic table to see if they are around yet.
Dad keeps watching.
I asked Nola to take some photos of Dad's house so he knows everything is still there and okay. When he was having dementia so much that was a main concern for him. Now he knows that he was hallucinating. To him, they were very real. He can remember all that too. Even if I had the photos back then, I don't believe he would have believed me anyway. Dementia if very powerful I have learned. Not something I ever want to have for myself one day.
Dad misses home and his friends. He is so looking forward to his next visit.
Dad knows that he has to live with me. I am unable to take care of Dad alone. I thought at one time I could come and stay with him but there is so much to do that I can't physically do anymore. He knows I need to be home. He used to say that when I came to stay with him but I pretended like I could handle it when I really couldn't. He had enough worries.
So now we have come to decision making time about selling the house. It's coming and he says it has to be done. The market is lousy right now so we are just waiting. Dad wants to do things NOW but there are times when you just have to wait. One step at a time.
He does enjoy checking out nature here....and my flowers... He will sit in the kitchen for hours and watch the birds and squirrels in the back yard. I am going to make an obstacle course of sorts for the squirrels so Dad can have that as entertainment. We have 4 squirrels that stay in our yard most of the time. They chase each other and entertain us very well. I am hoping the Orioles are coming back this month for Dad to see. We had so many last year it was the most incredible site. I have an orange out on the picnic table to see if they are around yet.
Dad keeps watching.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
This weeks news...
I am a little behind in posting...lots going on...but Dad is still doing well. He has had a couple incidents of dementia but it's cleared up fast. He still thinks he has to "go upstairs" to get to the kitchen. Not sure why. He is stooping over more when he walks...I try to keep after him about standing up as his PT did. He had his last session with the PT guy, Mark last week. Although we can start it up again as needed, Dad is getting scheduled exercise from the arthritis foundation at the Senior Center 3X a week. We are going to continue baths as that helps me out a lot. As long as they will do it free, I will ask for it.
Dad is very clear thinking most of the time....he loves to tell the stories of what happened at the Senior Center. All the time he has some new ones to tell me that I either forgot or never heard. I have one to share later as I get the time.
We are going to see a play this month. Dad's first! I will have photos and such to share with that later too.
Dad has a busy schedule and I am thinking of how I will keep him busy in Indiana. I can't have him just sitting in his chair all the time. I am hoping to get him in a schedule at some place that he can go and be with his age people to stay busy.
He has a good friend at the BA center now...his name is John and I will post a photo when I can get one.
Today one of the girls asked me where I got the cake with the car on it. I told her and she said that JOHN is telling everyone that was the best party he has ever been to and he wants a cake with a picture on it too. haha Very cute! John will be 90 in December and it's really good to know that he has every intention of seeing that 90th birthday. He has even picked out the photo for the cake for his daughter to order. Dad told me today that he and John has a lot in common they found out. They both live with their youngest daughter for one. John has been there for 3 years and knows the ropes. Dad says they try to set together for lunch and for discussions. It really means a lot for Dad to have a really good friend since he is away from his others. Now that Dad is a little more settled I have been asking him about if he wanted to go to church. He hasn't been too interested in it but I do ask. He seems fairly stuck with the one in Logansport and I think he is worried about going to a new place. He just doesn't like new situations, even if we are there, he still asks questions before we get there about what to expect. That's nothing new about Dad though.
More later...
Dad is very clear thinking most of the time....he loves to tell the stories of what happened at the Senior Center. All the time he has some new ones to tell me that I either forgot or never heard. I have one to share later as I get the time.
We are going to see a play this month. Dad's first! I will have photos and such to share with that later too.
Dad has a busy schedule and I am thinking of how I will keep him busy in Indiana. I can't have him just sitting in his chair all the time. I am hoping to get him in a schedule at some place that he can go and be with his age people to stay busy.
He has a good friend at the BA center now...his name is John and I will post a photo when I can get one.
Today one of the girls asked me where I got the cake with the car on it. I told her and she said that JOHN is telling everyone that was the best party he has ever been to and he wants a cake with a picture on it too. haha Very cute! John will be 90 in December and it's really good to know that he has every intention of seeing that 90th birthday. He has even picked out the photo for the cake for his daughter to order. Dad told me today that he and John has a lot in common they found out. They both live with their youngest daughter for one. John has been there for 3 years and knows the ropes. Dad says they try to set together for lunch and for discussions. It really means a lot for Dad to have a really good friend since he is away from his others. Now that Dad is a little more settled I have been asking him about if he wanted to go to church. He hasn't been too interested in it but I do ask. He seems fairly stuck with the one in Logansport and I think he is worried about going to a new place. He just doesn't like new situations, even if we are there, he still asks questions before we get there about what to expect. That's nothing new about Dad though.
More later...
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