
Friday, January 8, 2010


Hello Family, Friends, and Curious Onlookers... This is a Diary of sorts for my Dad. He is 89 years old and has come to live with me, his Daughter, Wendy Rose and my husband Rod. Dad moved in with us on December 29, 2009. He made the trip to Oklahoma in a 12 hour drive....he did well on the trip. We stopped several times for bathroom breaks....and a long stop at Cracker Barrel Restaurant. I ordered a soft breakfast for Dad since he has trouble eating and swallowing. He ate most of it and then said to me..."Why are you eating my dinner. I ordered pot roast." Rod and I started to laugh....cause in reality I ordered HIS dinner first before Rod and I even gave our orders. Rod had to park the car and was late getting in the restaurant so I went ahead and got Dad's order started. So I said to Dad that he could have some of mine.....but he wanted more than that....he wanted the whole thing and then complained I had HIS carrots too! It was funnnnneeee. You see, Dad has dementia....and also it may be sad to some, it can be very interesting and entertaining EVEN to Dad when he realizes what he has just said. Yes, he does know he has dementia and he does know that sometimes he sees "things". Sometimes in the middle of delusion he will stop and say, "It's not really there is it?" We take one day at a time..... I have many stories to share and will be working on this Blog for a while, updating frequently and as time allows me.

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