
Monday, January 25, 2010

Writing a Letter to Louise.

Dad said he wanted some paper and a pen to write a letter to Louise, his girlfriend in Indiana. He did write a line and then didn't like he wanted me to get some masking tape and cover his eyeglasses. Did that and that didn't work to stop the double vision. So I covered his eye with a cotton pad and taped it....that helped and now he is practicing to write. I have only been called from my office as I write this, at least 6 times because Dad needed something. LOL This last time was an emergency to the bathroom. I have to move fast...patience and Dad to not connect. He might get this letter done at the end of the week at this rate. 2 hours later.....He still hasn't finished that letter to Louise....first he came back from the bathroom and said he wanted to lie on the sofa and rest awhile. That lasted about 40 minutes....he called me and there he was in the living room, standing and holding onto his walker....calmly I asked what he wanted and apparently there was some "kids" in the living room and they were tearing things I told him I saw no kids...redirected him to something else and then he said he wanted to go back to the kitchen table. He practiced writing and then asked for popcorn that I brought back from the movies yesterday. He can't see BUT he saw that bag of popcorn....hmm....then he ate like 6 cups of that....and sat there and started to write.....nothing much.....was distracted a dozen times talking to some man sitting at the table. Then asked me what his name was. Dad, Dad, Dad....I always tell him the truth. Then he says I am wrong. So what's new? ha I started to make some chocolate chip cookies with walnuts and oatmeal. Dad asked me what I was doing and I told him making chocolate chip cookies (he can’t smell very well)....and then he says....when will they be ready? Haha

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