
Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Old Stories to Share...

Dad was very close to his Sister, Cleora. I really think she looked up to Dad. I loved her too. She was a woman who sacrificed a lot in her life. We didn't know many of her sacrifices until she was much older. I kept in touch with her in her later years and so wished I had all along. She was always kind to me. She entertained me as a child when I would go visit with her. She didn't have much in life but I never heard her complain. She made beautiful quilts. I have a small one of hers.
She was also the family historian and I am so very grateful. I certainly could count on her information as being accurate.
When she was still living at home in Thornhope, Indiana and Dad started to decline I would take him to go visit her. One time when we were out there visiting, Dad was having a bad time with dementia. I tried to time those visits when Dad was alert and himself. I couldn't avoid this....and as she sat next to Dad and he had that glassy eyed look and didn't really know where he was, she bowed her head and cried. She looked at him so sweetly. I asked her to tell me what she was thinking.
She choked back the tears and said that she thought she would never see Odus like this. I was sobbing a bit myself because I felt for HER. I told her that he wasn't always like this. He is very funny sometimes and can still tell a story. He was just starting to eat better and was gaining weight because she was concerned about that. I told her that I would take very good care of him....and the next time he visited he would be in much better condition. She felt better and told me she knew that I would take care of him.
We did come back in a few months and oh boy, was he better! She was shocked at how alert he was and how much weight he had gained to get him back in better health. So at that time, she brought out two pairs of very old eyeglasses. They were their Mom's, Phoebe Elizabeth. Dad said he never had seen was longette and the other was without a handle that you just sat on your nose. I wanted so much to ask her if I could have them one day but I am not pushy like that. I did want them though. She has a daughter, my cousin....and I figured they would go to her. {See photos below of glasses}
Sometime later...Dad passed away....then Aunt Cleora passed away. My cousin emailed me and asked me if I wanted all the photos that her Mom had kept....OH WOW... I would have driven to Indiana from Oklahoma for them. haha My Sister went to get them for me....then Nola mailed them to me...and I scanned and edited for days....Sweet Aunt Cleora had labeled and dated EACH photo, mostly on the back. Of those that she had written on the front...I did edit all that out. I was in Heaven. In that group of photos was a non relative who I knew who would love to have it. I sent it to him first via email and then eventually he got the original. I would have loved to have seen his face the day he opened that email. His family took care of my Aunt, my Dad's little Sister when his Mother passed away at the age of 29. The one I sent it too never had seen this photo and wanted to see his Grandmother. I was so happy to share it with him. {Robert}
So a short while later my Sister tells me that my cousin gave her a few things....a book, and those precious glasses that Aunt Cleora had showed Dad and I that day we went to visit. I could feel my heart beat harder. As I read the email she said if it was okay with me she would keep the book and the glasses that just sat on the nose and I could have the longette pair. Oh brother....I was ecstatic. I said OH YES! She sent me photos and I had no problem with her choices. She also had a handkerchief that her husband had given to her when they were dating. What treasures. I have framed them with placards.

Dad didn't get to know that I got those beautiful blue enameled glasses. That's when I cry....just knowing that my parents didn't get to see some things that happen now. I know in the big picture it doesn't matter now for I know what's coming when I see them again....but I sure would have loved to have shared them with him.
So in all those photos were ones that I NEVER saw. I am the photo freak....I have looked at all the photos that Mom and Dad had over and over and over. I have edited every single one. Dad took lots of photos over my lifetime. He was a camera nut in the early 50's when it became so affordable for everyone.
I scanned every slide he ever took....about 900 and edited and named each one. One thing I have not done is to scan many of the transparencies yet. I have audio recordings as well....I have the movies on discs....Nola did some too. I need some from VHS done too.
I am grateful for the technology of digital! ha
 I might add a foot note to's about story-telling.
To me, it is very important that the stories get told accurately. It's important to future generations and to history in general. Telling a story wrong changes everything. I like to tell stories first hand. If I didn't experience it I do some research to make sure I am as accurate as can be. My  references are are on a short list. I have an older Sister who remembers more than me so when I am not sure about who what where and when I ask her. I have a Cousin who is the same age as my Sister and she can be very helpful sometimes. Other than those two, all others are gone. I truly wish I had been AS curious as I am now to ask more questions. Like I have said before both of my parents thought I asked plenty. Mom said I would make a good lawyer. I should have gone that way. haha 

I recently saw a family member posting stories that are NOT true. 
They have few facts correct. They ramble and write things that change history. It's rather annoying but this person doesn't listen to anyone. She has to be right....she assumes situations, fills in blanks with her own stories. It's really nothing's been going on for a very long time.
No one seems to correct her as I believe they are afraid to as she will wipe you right out of her life if you don't agree with her. I have seen it happen. Even to her own Mother.
It's quite annoying because she seems to act as though she is better than everyone else and has put herself on some sort of pedestal. She is very judgemental and thinks she should only consort with Christians like her.
When my friends who are not believers describe the sort of Christians they do not like....I think of her.
That is sad because she is stopping people from believing in God. If someone were to tell her that I am sure she would say they were evil. I am not happy about it all....but I do wish her well....she needs it.

I will have to leave those who do not feel as I do about keeping the facts contemplate the harm that they do not telling the stories as they really are or were to their own devices.
Maybe they need to examine all the truths in their lives and not just the stories they inaccurately tell. 

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