
Tuesday, December 31, 2019

What Do You Do for a Living?

If I repeat myself telling stories.....that's okay, get used to it! Life is short and I don't have time to be an editor too.

Here's a funny one from about 8 years ago.
I was complaining this afternoon about the chick that cut my Levolor blinds....she did it wrong.
I said to Rod and Dad, this chick don't know her butt from a hole in the ground. {One of Dad's favorite sayings.}
Rod and I went back and forth on how to find out BEFORE I let them cut anything IF they knew their butt from a hole in a ground....okay?
So I go about my business, getting Dad something to drink and dealing with what dreams and visions he was having which is a story all on it's own....and then I see that Rod had changed the lightbulb over the shower like I asked him to do last night.
I picked up the package that he put the old bulb in asking, "What was the wattage on this bulb ? {without looking at it myself}." He pipes up and says, "130."
I replied back there IS NO 130.... and then I started laughing....and I asked him WHAT DO YOU DO FOR  A LIVING....and he ignores me....{he is an electrician}.
I had JUST made fun of this chick who couldn't cut correctly and NOW Rod is not doing much better in answering me......
So I again asked him what he did for a living and his very comical reply was,

"I check buttholes and holes in the ground."  LOL Of course I about wet my pants laughing at that one. Dad was laughing too.
That explains a LOT!
The WATTAGE by the way was 60, the VOLTS were 130! hahaha

Wendy Rose

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