
Monday, November 12, 2018


I can't believe it's been 2 years since I posted last. I think what needs to be done is that I need to fix this blog in appearance and add the photos that were once here. I am aware that one day this website will be gone like so many others that have changed or disappeared. So many photo places that have dissolved into space. I am also determined to make it a priority to have this blog made into a book.
Yes, a book. I am thinking just for the family to have if they want it but mostly for future generations to know. I really should have started a blog for my Mother the first time I ever got on a computer. She is most interesting. I found it easy to blog my Dad because every day was an adventure with him living with us. I have left so much out about his life. You know him as an old man but he was a young man too. I am lucky enough to have that information on paper as well as in my head. I sometimes don't trust my memory and that is the primary reason I should write it all down. If not for others, for me.
These are things I should do. Maybe a priority list needs to be made and followed through with, Time is short and I figure I have 20 more good years to get it done. Yes, I am counting down the years and know my days are numbered and I should use them wisely.

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