
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Not A Day Goes By...

Yes, not a day goes by that I don't at some point during the day think about Mom and Dad. After all items from their lives are scattered throughout my home.
Through my mind wanders the memories of the past. An incident in the present will remind me of a distant story. I can see my Mom and Dad as they were at that time.
Recently I was looking through some audio tapes and trying to locate the ones of Mom and Dad singing. I was also trying to find the one of me at 4 years old talking to my Dad. I wanted to play it for Kilah. She was running wild around the house so there was no interesting her in it. I did play it for me and for Kiara and Rod who was in the room. I wish he had made more of those tapes. Then again, how grateful I am that I have the few that I have. I do have others talking on tapes that they have never even heard. I say tape, because we didn't have talking movies then....well, not for home use...and we just had cassette recorders. {I had to explain the progression of technology to my Granddaughter.} She didn't get it. It was the confused look on her face that told me how she didn't get it. She didn't know what each one of these devices looked like. So I could understand her confusion.
How does that go again.....just in MY lifetime....wire recorder to reel to reel, then we had the 8-track, which you really couldn't record on but you could transfer your reel to reel IF you had a hugely costly machine to do that. haha Mom and Dad just happen to have one so I could record on cassette FROM the reel to reel. Then came the micro recorder and now we have digital recorders. I lost Kiara way before that. I am surprised that I made a point to remember all that anyway!
Instead of telling my Grandkids how far I had to walk in the snow to my school....I at least had the technology story to relay.

Listening to Mom play the accordion and Dad playing his guitar with both of them singing gave me a lump in my throat. My Daughter had to leave the room because she burst into tears. The Grandkids have no real memory of them both singing and playing instruments but I felt they needed to hear them at least. I have fond memories of which I have told in this blog. I may not listen to the tapes often, but it's just knowing they are there are a comfort. I can, at anytime, listen to them speak so I never forget what their voices sounded like.

Like Dad said, "What I would give to hear my Mother's voice again!"
I can say all I have to do is turn on the machine and hear my parents' voices again. I can also get out the videos and watch them talk. I have been lucky. I am fortunate!

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