
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Baby Making Factory

You may or may not believe THIS story....but for us here at the house, we believe just about anything that will come out of Dad's mouth. Boy can he tell a wild story.

This story occurred about a month ago but just haven't got to posting it. Actually I am probably behind a few stories.

Rod usually gets Dad from the Senior Center. On the way home Rod hears the gist of what went on during Dad's day. Most of the time it's stories about who got the most food that wasted it. How Dad can see the other people's plates is beyond me when he can't see his silverware to use at the table. Apparently the lighting is better at the Center than it is here because someone is always getting the bigger piece of cake, a large piece of meat, or more coffee than he is given. haha It's always something with him. I thought the Dope Ring at the center was the best story but noooooooooo, Dad topped himself with this one.

He comes in the house just bursting at the seams to let me know that the whole place {Senior Center} was shutting down. He didn't get in on the details but that's what was coming down the Pike. Not only that but they have recruited the females for a BABY MAKING SCHEME....

Well, you know I started laughing out loud and Rod was laughing right along with me although he had already heard some of this. So I have to ask the questions......
First one was ......who in the world would ever want a bunch of old ladies who don't even have any of their baby making parts left probably for a baby making scheme????? Of course, my Dad has an answer...."How should I know....I am just telling you what I heard." Not only that but they are trying to get the men to sign up for sperm donation!!!!!!
I tell Dad he has fell off the turnip truck and got ran over cause there is no way anything near like that is happening at the SENIOR CENTER....
So Dad says....still thinking this is a for real thing in spite of my wisdom, "I will tell you one thing right now. I am not signing up for anything. They ain't getting a thing outta me."
Now Rod and I are really roaring now......Dad has nothing to give!
Rod is laughing because he is giving Dad advice to the contrary....he tells him at his age it might be fun trying and just go ahead and let them think he is a good donor.
I giving Rod the looks not to encourage his story and laughing the whole time.

Two weeks later.......according to Dad, never happen and he has no recollection of what we are talking about. LOL
Yep, like I have said before.....take Dad to open mic night at the Comedy Club....put him on stage and let the audience ask questions.....he would have them rolling in the isles.
Even the nurse that comes here during the week suggests each week that Dad and I need our own reality show.

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