
Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Male Mermaid...or MerMAN!

Not a day goes by that Dad doesn't come up with something to make us laugh. I am just sorry on this one I didn't take the photo. I thought about it....I almost went for the camera but Dad was in his underwear and even Dad has his limits of what I can take a picture of. I thought later I could have blocked the underwear out but it was too late then.
It began with Friday morning and Dad getting ready for breakfast and to go to the Senior Center. Dad was in the bedroom without the light on, as usual. For a man who leaves the lights on all over the house in his own home...he sure can't seem to turn a light on when he really needs it to see what the heck he is doing. haha
I was finished getting dressed myself and I walked down the hall and looked in on Dad. I just burst out laughing. There he was, sitting on the chair with both legs in the SAME pants leg.
Dad had that smirk/smile on his face that he knew I was going to laugh when I saw him. I don't even ask how he does that stuff anymore. The answer is always the same. "I do NOT know." So I sat on his bed, still laughing, and told him he looked like a Mermaid, or in his case, a MERMAN!
I told him to take one leg out and what does he say?
The ONE that doesn't belong would be good. So he says,"If I KNEW which one didn't belong, I wouldn't have BOTH of them in the same leg.

And so it began the much better than crying.

He is doing so very well. I have to say that even in the last couple weeks, he is better than he has been in a couple years. His mind is clear...well, as clear as it gets, haha Not counting the dressing incidents. He eats well. He remembers better about taking his meds and what day it is...and what he does on that day.
I suppose he has got into the routine here. We stay pretty close to the same routine throughout the week. I know older folks like to know what to expect on what day. However, I warned him a long time ago that there is no routine on the weekends. We might do just about anything that pops up.
In fact, today we are headed out later to try out a new restaurant. Maybe Dad will give me a new story later. LOL

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