
Monday, April 19, 2010

Note to Self: Don't set half and half next to Dad at Breakfast table...

We were up and getting ready this morning to get to the Senior Center on time. I had an eye dr appt after I dropped Dad off. I was in the bathroom trying to get ready when I heard Dad walking down the hall and so I let him go for about a minute. I knew he would be chomping at the bit to get breakfast done. So when I got out there he was in the pantry looking for the cereal. I don't care if he gets his own breakfast BUT he never can find anything, reach it or finish finding it all. lol It if funny sometimes. He is trying to help but sometimes it just better if he lets me waite on him. So I asked him what he wanted and he ended up saying oatmeal. So I get the REAL oatmeal out and it took about 10 minutes to make....IN THE MEANTIME....I am getting a little pitcher ready of the little milk I had left and some heavy whipping cream. I had the cream for creme brulee, but that's another story. lol
So I mix the milk with the CREAM, hence the half and half. The little pitcher is clear with a spout on for SHARING with your cereal????? So I turn my back and there is Dad DRINKING THE ALMOST over the line HALF AND HALF right OUT of the pitcher before I even have the oatmeal made. I nearly choked. But I thought....oh well, what can I do now... He finished his breakfast and off we go to the Center.
Comes time to pick him up and I had to call Rod to go get him because I was at another Dr appt and was running late.
I get home and Dad tells me the sad sad story of how many times he ended up in the powder room at the Senior Center. I am thinking to myself, IT'S NO WONDER with the CREAM you drank this morning...but I didn't say a word.
Oh but how I wish I had grabbed that cream out of his hand today and dumped it down the drain.....
I am cleaning dishes off the table, and Rod helps Dad a little to the bathroom....a minute later Rod comes walking briskly out to the kitchen with a grimace and says, "Uhhh your Dad made a big mess." {MY Dad....hahaha}

To make a long story short.....let's just say......DAD is NOT getting anymore Whipping CREAM and the Bathroom has been BLEACHED nearly top to bottom!!!!! Use your imagination!

So what does he say to me in the process of giving him a bath and cleaning the bathroom....
Well, girl, when you were little I clean your poopy diapers many times....hahaha I laughed and laughed, cause well, there was nothing left to do and I was the only one here brave enough to clean it.

So lesson for the day is: Payback is hell!

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