Dad seemed to have a great time at his birthday party here. We had planned for a quiet evening at home since we had been on the run all week. Dad had PT Friday morning and his bath gal came about noon. Then off Dad and I go to run errands. We stopped at the bank to open an account for him. I asked Dad if he had ever been to Chick Fila and he said no, so that's where we had lunch. We topped it off with a peach shake and then off to Kohl's to spend my free $10 coupon. Off to Sam's to get the cake for that night. I didn't let Dad see the cake yet. Nothing was going to top the Durant cake though!
We got back at the house and Dad wasn't tired yet, it seemed. I suggested a nap before the party started but he stayed up for a couple hours watching TV. Rod gets home and then they BOTH fell asleep later.
Chris arrived first, then Amy and Monica arrived. Rod went to No 1 Kitchen, {which is excellent btw} for Chinese. The food party started. After the food we had Dad open presents. It was a lot of fun I must say. Dad entertained us with some funny stuff. Dad was moved by all the attention. When he read some of the cards he had to tell us all that he was very happy to have us to care. He said he was grateful that we took him in and he started to cry and Amy jumped up and gave him a big hug.
All in all it was a great night. His friend, Walter S. had called to wish him a Happy Birthday. I could hear him on the other end telling Dad how wonderful it was to see such a change in him. Afterall, Walter had seen him flat on his back and unable to move before we left. I am sure it was impressive to hear him on the other end having a party and talking as well as he was talking. I never tire of seeing it myself.
I took videos of which I want to edit....I haven't figured out the complexities of how this video works like I want to figure it out. {my camera is smarter than my computer and it seems that my computer won't process the higher speed SD card correctly...but alas I will figure something out so you can at least see the Birthday Boy in all his glory!
We settled in the living room to watch AVATAR, which had just come out the day before. Leave it to Amy and Monica to have the LATEST in videos!! lol Inside joke. The movie was great. I wouldn't mind having it myself one day. Dad stayed awake for half of it. lol It WAS 3 hours long. I asked Dad if he wanted to head to bed an hour into it and he said no, he wanted to stay with all of us....but at 11 pm I did wake him up to say it was okay if he stretched out in bed...the movie was almost over anyway.
Dad got some fun gifts....Nola made him 2 summer English caps, shirts that he wears to the center. Louise sent Dad MONEY, which always makes Dad's eyes light up. Rod and I got him 2 T-shirts of which I put iron on sayings on them. One was 90 and Single, the other was a photo of him with the words This is what 90 looks like! Oh the comments he got with the 90 and Single was way too funny. Keep in mind that he wore it all over town while we went shopping on Friday! I got him some new shortie socks....first he ever had and I thought he would not like them but he does. We also took him out to dinner at his choice for his birthday, remember?..the frog legs.
The guy at Braum's Dairy store wanted to know if he was advertising. lol I made Dad some business cards with the Durant on them...and his email address and this Blog address. I thought he could take them home and pass them around to his friends as he visits. Amy got him this awesome silver card holder...outside was OGR and inside was a personal message of love from Amy. It was so neat how it opened...it's magnetic so it will be so easy for Dad to get it open unlike the snapping kind. Chris bought Grandpa this HUGE bag of Russell Stover variety chocolates. They are individually wrapped and the ultimate chocolates. I told Dad I hoped he wasn't counting how many were in there and gone. LOL
Debbie V. sent him a another gift card from Panera. {His fav place to eat ya know.} We ate there yesterday. He sure loves it there but now is critiquing the tomato soup....it was a "little tangy". lol
Dad didn't want gifts he said...but tsk tsk tsk, ya gotta know that no ONE refuses chocolate!!! Not in this house. He seemed pretty content in spite of all that has happened to him. As he was getting into bed, he told me that he was a pretty lucky fella. "I can walk, I got all my limbs, and I feel pretty good for an old man."
Yep, Paw....life can be darn good at any age!