
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Dad's Quick Wit...

Dad shaves himself with his electric razor most of the time but he misses Sunday morning I am helping him get the stubborn hairs under his nose....I 'gently' grab his nose and point it up and use the hand razor to get the you have a picture now, right...?

Wendy...I have to get those hairs under your nose....the best way would be the tweezers but you won't hold still for that....*laughing*

Dad...Arrrgggh, do you have to 'bout pull my nose off."

Wendy...I am not pulling your nose off, you exaggerate.

Dad...It feels like you ripped my nose off.

Wendy...There, all don't you feel better?

Dad..Yes, now that you quit!

Friday, October 7, 2011

You've Heard of a Traffic Jam but.....

Have you heard of a WALKER JAM?

That's what Dad called it.

Dad and I were relaxing in the living room and he suddenly remembered how the walker isn't working right. What is there to WORK on a walker you might ask? Dad says there are plenty of things to go wrong with a walker....the riveted section, the screws, the brakes need adjustment, (he says they aren't calibrated correctly), & the wheels are too small for the size of the walker. You name it, and there is some need to fix it. IT'S A WALKER, not a CHEVY!

Here's what happens...Dad says the brakes lock up on him causes a Walker Jam at the Senior Center. Yeah....imagine that. I have seen him dozens of times, take off pushing the walker only to move his hands down which locks the walker....he says that's not true...I have witnesses!

So the conversation continues....A walker jam I asked? What has that got to do with a loose screw or brakes slipping and locking up or whatever?

Dad says that when the brakes lock up it causes the walkers to jam into each other. LOL

Ohhhhhh...he says that when he first came there to the center, there was maybe 3 people that used there are at least 10 and they are always getting tangled up.

(Not to mention that none of these very Senior people can drive a car or a walker.)

So when I question Dad about how a screw loose can effect his driving capabilities I get answers like......."I ought to know something about how to fix things, I have been doing it for 90 years"....NINETY? He started when he was ONE? LOL

So silly me, I go get the WD-40 which in my opinion, fixes just about everthing....and a screwdriver and a wrench. NONE, I mean not ONE of those screws and nuts were loose. I pointed that out to Dad...."Oh yes they are, you just can't find them." The ones that I tighten aren't even connected to the brakes because there are NONE connected to the brakes. I tried to tell him that but......well, let's just say that Dad thinks I am full of hot air. (mumbling--not anymore than I think HE is full of hot air. lol)

So he throws up his hands and says he knows the brakes are locking up. Actually there are not much to the mechanics of a walker....but Dad thinks there is.

He says he would appreciate a new one with bigger wheels....AHA! Now we are getting down to the nitty gritty.

I found something pretty interesting about Dad living with me that I didn't know about him. He likes to changed stuff. LOL He likes to chop down trees for no apparent reason too. That's a whole other set of stories. So he apparently feels that trading in the old walker for a new one makes a lot of sense. I don't! hahaha I could recover the seat and snazzy it up a bit and tell him it's a new one...not sure if that would work though.

So I oiled the joints on the walker.....and let Dad test drive it....

Yep, works fine....until this morning....we are going out to the car. He is pushing it just fine....and then suddenly stops and goes backward causing the front wheels to turn rapidly and get caught.....THEN he says, "See how they lock up on me." YEAH! But why did you just suddenly stop and go backwards?????

He don't know. haha

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Dad's a Winner at the Tulsa State Fair

Dad cleaned up this year~He had his stained glass and some woodworking at the Tulsa State Fair. First time he ever took anything to the fair, he said. He has plenty to enter next year as well. We will never run out of stuff to take to the fair, believe me. He got First Place with a wooden bowl he made. He got First place with two stained glasses pieces, 2nd place on another stained glass and one 3rd place with stained glass.
In a few weeks he will be getting some nice checks in the mail.

Mistaken Identity?

I suggested that Dad call his girlfriend last night. We have been so busy that we have not had time to return a call she made to Dad last week.

Here's how the first part of the call went...

Louise: "Hello?"

Dad: "Well, hello there Baby."

Louise: 'a slight pause on the other end...and then "Who is this? Is that you Odus?"

Okay, I laughed....and laughed, and had to leave the room. Just how many phone calls does she get that start off Hello there Baby? hahaha

Art Linkletter was right....People ARE Funny....but OLD people are hysterical!!