Dad has trouble with some of these new names for kids. He is always getting his Great Granddaughter's name {Kiara} twisted around and can't remember it. It has nothing to do with his love for these Grandchildren. He just can't remember the names if they are not Mary, Jane, Sue, etc.
So many times he wouldn't recall the name and say to me, "Your Granddaughter......and so on.
Keeping that in mind here is how this story starts.
We were sitting in an auditorium waiting for a seminar to begin last night. We have been listening to the series on Revelation. {which has absolutely nothing to do with this story.}
Dad and I were talking together on a number of subjects from false teeth to pearls. A little girl of about 10 was walking down the isle past us. She had long dark hair and tanned skin. She caught Dad's eye as she walked by and he looked over at her. He then turned to me and said, "Why that little girl looks like Cory's Mother's daughter."
Long Pause................
I thought for a moment trying to put this puzzle together and then it HIT me....Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh KIARA!! YOU mean KIARA. I started laughing and Dad got that pre-laugh smirk and then he started to laugh at his description.
I told Rod who was on the other side of me and didn't initially hear what we were laughing at.
Rod paused and thought for a moment and then HE started laughing.
I told Dad that for someone who couldn't think, put sentences together and has trouble communicating, that what he just said was MORE complicated than just saying Kiara!!
Rod who really didn't hear what I had just said to Dad, then commented to Dad how much thought he had to put into that and why does he think he can't think straight?? LOL
So Rod says to Dad, "Yeah, well, how about this one....my son-in-law's wife's son." Who is that? Dad thought, started laughing and said I was making him laugh and he couldn't think....so in about 30 seconds....it came out....it was CHRIS! LOL
I told Dad he could make up some quizzes like that for the OLD folks at the home to use to keep their mind sharp.
He told me that they do JUST that at the Life Senior Center for games using current events to keep them thinking.
I thought to myself this is a story for them to publish in their magazine they put out each month. Dad is proving to them that what they are doing IS working to help keep their minds sharp.