Apparently if I am asleep and Dad gets up before me he is helpless. Not true but Dad acts it. You know the story of the man who can't take care of himself unless there is a woman around to "guide" him? Well, on some days, Dad lives that well. I call it the Poor Me syndrome.
So since we got a snowstorm I stayed in bed. I loaded up on cereal and milk yesterday and Dad knows how to do all that without help. What I should have said was that as long as there is no one in HIS VISION. haha
Rod was up...I saw no reason to GET up. I worked out in the yard yesterday to the point I couldn't move anyway. I had to take pain meds to do that even. At least it was done. I stocked up on what we needed from the store and I was sleeping in.
Dad's morning pills were laid out in a white cup, as usual, on the kitchen table. IN PLAIN SIGHT.
I had got up at 6:30 because I hear someone in the addition. It was Rod. Long story so skipping that.
I didn't wake up again until noon.
I go past Dad's room and there he is with the TV on asleep, as usual. So I get to the living room, there's Rod watching TV, awake....which is UNusual.
So I get to the kitchen, see Dad's undisturbed pills and start asking questions.
Wendy-Rod, did Dad come out to the kitchen this morning and eat breakfast?
Rod- No
Wendy- So what did he come to the kitchen for?
Rod- I dunno.
So I check the sink, no bowl, no milk gone and no cereal touched.
I head to the Dad.....Moving Dad's arm....Dad??? Didn't you eat breakfast? ---No----Why not? ----Cause I couldn't find the cereal.....Why didn't you take your pills?----I didn't see any pills.
Okay, Dad, get up, come to the kitchen pronto....
Follow the sounds of me mumbling obscenities all the way to the kitchen.
It went something like this..."If I wasn't here to direct these men the whole world would friggin fall apart. I don't know how grown men can't find the cereal, take their own damn pills and manage to make it through the day without a woman."
So Dad is laughing as he gets to the kitchen. I am still babbling about I don't care of they starve. If they don't have sense enough to find some food let them starve.
Dad NOW sees his pills telling me they weren't there earlier. Yeah, I put them there NOW just to make you think you are nuts. haha
Then I said, If you choose to be helpless you will get mighty hungry before the day is out. Don't wait for me to appear. You KNOW where everything is and there is not a darn thing wrong with you. hahaha
He thinks it's funny.
So I get the dang cereal out and the milk and I have Rod makes his coffee. That story I won't tell because this is not an about Rod BLOG. I don't have time to write that one. MEN!!
You know my theory on Adam and Eve, don't ya? I will save that one for another day...LOL
So Dad gets done eating 2 huge bowls of cereal....for a man that can't chew as he says, he sure chomps down that STRAW shredded wheat like there's no tomorrow!
So I said...."Dad. It sure snowed." He says, "Here in Oklahoma or Indiana?" I said, "Here, last night, we got about 10-12 so far." Dad tells me we did NOT. hahaha Always has to tell me the opposite of what I say. Always!
I said, "It did too!" He tells me we don't get that much snow. I said we did this time.
He gets up eating and off to the front door he goes but I said, "You can't get the door open." Dad..."Why?" {he loves that word...and now I know where I got it.}"Why?" I asked. "Cause the snow is blocking the door....why else? Come to my office and look out the window."
He sees all the snow and says I guess you are telling the truth. JUST a few moments later after he lays down in bed to watch his TV he announces his fingers are cold as ice. Hmmmm, coincidence to that and the snow? haha So the "Mommy" got the "little boy" his heating pad and all is well with the world...Dad's world, that is. haha
Since Dad has been here MAYBE a couple times his fingers have been white and cold....and then today seeing the snow caused about the third time.
Darn and I wanted to go out with Dad and have a snowball fight!!