I have to be in the mood to come in here and blog. It's a busy day most days but I need to be more disciplined at blogging at least twice a week. Sorry for those of you who faithfully come here to see something new when I haven't been as faithful.
However, here is a funny story about Dad that even made Dad get the giggles.
We had settled down for the night and we all were getting to the living room in our favorite chair positions...when Dad said he needed to go take out his teeth. Okay...I told him to go ahead and then come back and sit with us till it was time to go to bed.
Dad leaves the room....he is gone ohhhhhhhh, about...1 minute.....he comes back in and rounds the corner from the hall and I look at him and see he still has his teeth in. I start laughing and asked him what he did while he was gone cause he sure didn't take his teeth out. He started laughing and so did we. He said he forgot so he turns around and heads back down the hall. We wait....and wait...and in about 5 minutes here he comes again.....with the teeth STILL IN HIS MOUTH. I just lost it and laughed till I nearly peed my pants....Rod is laughing and Dad can't quite get why we are so silly with laughter....then I finally was able to get out....."YOU STILL HAVE YOUR TEETH IN...WHAT THE HECK DID YOU GO DO ALL THAT TIME?"
Now Dad is laughing hard....can't hardly turn around and head back down the hall.
This time when he came out he had his teeth out....and we had finally calmed down from laughing.
It's hell to get old and forgetful.