I took Dad to his gal friend's house this afternoon and then I went to find a spot to get online to work on some things that needed finishing. If I think I have worked a lot here, I have at least 10 times the amount of work waiting for me at home. I realize that I am tense most of the time. I think I get that from my Mom. She used to just physically be tense even when sitting. I suppose I have the same condition. I am aware of it and try to relax but it is really a hard thing to do. So to relax I went for the full nail treatment including the best pedicure I have ever had. {Sorry Amy}lol
Both girls doing my nails told me to relax several times and we laughed about it. I need to find the cure for it. Anything but another pill. But enough about me and back to Dad....We have been busy almost every day.
Once in a while I have him just kick back and lay down for a nap after lunch. He tends to sit in a chair and nap which is not good for his neck or his back....once in a Blue Moon he will voluntarily go to the bed and put his feet up. I am trying to get him to make a habit of it instead of sitting in a chair....I don't mean a recliner either. He sits in an armless straight back chair and SLEEPS! Dad and my Father in law are the only two people that I have ever seen that can do that. I have NEVER ever seen my husband even attempt that. I would be picking him up off the floor.
Dad did go to his 1938 Class Luncheon today. There were eight of them at the table. That was an interesting group. All 90 year olds. I overheard a 90 year old woman in the group say, Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn. Now THAT was funny and several of us in the nearby tables heard it and started to laugh. I was sitting alone at a nearby table just to give the oldsters their own space. They wanted me to join but I would rather not as I consider it Dad's time.
Although Dad thought it would be funny to respond to a question from one of the ladies there about his '31 Durant as willing to take a good price for it. I turned around quickly and gave him a brows down look and he started to laugh. Very funny Dad. Your a RIOT....and he gets funnier....
He was trying to put his belt on earlier to go to Louise's and he got flustered unbeknown to me at the time and I heard his comment and asked,"Would it kill you to ask for help." His answer, "Yep, it might."
Another conversation between him and I today was about him taking off from the car when I had my hands full and he proceeds to go up the stairs to the front porch without me behind him. I finally get up there AFTER he is all the way up. I stand there with my hands on my hips and say, "What's wrong with this picture." His reply..."I don't see a picture."
I proceeded to explain YET ONCE AGAIN what will happen if he breaks a leg, or his arm, OR HIS BACK. I will have to call 911. He says, "Well, just call the Undertaker...."
I roll my eyes and say,"Last time I heard, they don't bury you with a broken leg." I told him HEY, I got my snappy answers from my Dad! lol
After getting Dad from Louises tonight and we get home, he is getting ready for bed and I asked if he was able to take care of himself for a couple hours while I head out to use the computer...of which I am doing right now to catch up here. His reply with a straight face, "Nope, I don't think so.....I need someone to stay with me 24 hours a day." Then he grinned. LOL He really is able now to stay for very short periods of time as long as he isn't walking around outside or trying to do something he usually has assistance for. We all need some time alone. I know I must feel like his shadow sometimes but its a matter of prevention. IF he breaks a bone, his freedom is really shattered. I want him to be able to walk unhampered and to make his own decisions as long as possible. Hopefully up to the time he takes his last breath.
And so it goes...
Dad passed away on March 5th 2013. Although he is gone his memories will remain. I will still continue posting. There are many stories about Dad that still remain to be told. I will continue with stories. I have many stories that run through my head from time to time. Dad may not have traveled a lot but he sure had a lot of experiences. Starting the New Year....Welcome to 2020. Wendy Rose
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Delay in Posting
I don't have daily access to the Internet....mayBE I can log in once or twice a week right now and be able to answer emails. I don't have the quality time to sit and think to keep this Blog however.
We are busy almost everyday while on vacation. I will update at the beginning of September when it's all overwith and I can think once again. lol
We are busy almost everyday while on vacation. I will update at the beginning of September when it's all overwith and I can think once again. lol
Friday, July 2, 2010

I think Dad was really anxious and excited to get to his house and see the old place. When he first walked in he didn't recognize it right off. I understand that because when I am at his house for 4 months at a time, I get home and it all looks so strange at first. He took the tour of the whole house and then it all came back to him quickly he said. He seemed relieved that all those dreams about the changes or destruction to the house were not really true.
The first few days were spent at a Drs appt I had set up from my home. Then came the first visits with his girlfriend. I was surprised he didn't get a big hug and kiss right there on the sidewalk but that's just me I guess....and that generation didn't show a lot of affection publicly I suppose.
He visited with a couple of his other friends on the first weekend while my sister stayed with him. Rod and I went to my 40th Class Reunion on the next night after we got here {a Friday} and then again for more of the get together on Saturday.
Rod just had a week here so it went really fast with him trying to get one of Dad's old cars started. Only to find out that he had to change fuel lines that had deteriorated away and that the fuel pump had old parts to it. So we didn't get it started like Dad and Rod wanted and a new fuel pump is on order. Rod never got a real chance to get the other car started spending so much time on the first one. He will be back in August so we will get them both going before we leave once again. Dad wants the cars with us but that will be on the next trip back to his house. We have much to do before all is moved.
I think Dad is getting somewhat bored now getting into the beginning of the third week here. I am not going to speak for him but I think there is some disappointments.
Rod and Dad did got to his breakfast with the fellows from his work. They all have retired of course but they still meet for breakfast. I think Dad was very tickled about the fact they all came together once again for DAD because the breakfast get together has nearly disappeared. One of the guys told me that as long as Dad was in town they would get together each week.
Now to the photos for now....I will catch up to important happenings later as I get more computer time.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Stay Tuned...
I am updating the Blog tomorrow evening. I know I have almost stopped posting but there is a good reason. Dad and I have been on vacation for 2 weeks now and Rod has returned home only to come back in August. So tomorrow night is my night out and I will be posting from the library to catch up on the goings-on.
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